User notes for 3D JAVA tool. (xxx_wireframe.htm) The tool is intended as an aid for the accomodation studies for the projects at the 2004 Alpbach Summerschool. The tool can be used and modified as you like, the JAVA software involved (ThreeD.class) is public. I have generated four identical subdirectories, one for each team: '3D_java_ORANGE/RED/BLUE/GREEN', all of these directories contain all necessary files. The tool can generate wireframe illustrations of payload (and spacecraft) elements. Using a web-browser with JAVA support you can then view your model and rotate it with mouse to check that the different elements (and the instrument fields of view) does not interfere with each other. Your specific model can be generated by editing the file 'net_gen.txt' and then executing the program 'net_gen.exe'. This will generate the data needed by the JAVA routine 'ThreeD.class' which is invoked by displaying the html-file 'xxxx_wireframe.htm'. The output file generated by 'net_gen.exe' are named WIREFRAM.DAT. They must be renamed to xxxx_WIREFRAM.DAT before you call up xxxx_wireframe.htm. The comments in the 'net_gen.txt' file should be of some help - I am available for consultation. The C-source code for 'net_gen.exe' is provided in 'net_gen.cpp'. Niels Lund, August 2004