set xlabel " Focal plane radial coordinate in units of the crystal width May 3 09:27:33 2023" set ylabel "Relative Illumination Density" set terminal postscript color set output "" set xrange [-2.5: 2.5] set yrange [0.0: 130.0] set title "Laue Lens Focal Plane Illumination. Mosaic = 1.43 times inter-ring angular separation" plot "R_illum0FW1_42.gnu" index 0 axes x1y1 title "Central ring. E-shift: 0.000 delta E " with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum0FW1_42.gnu" index 1 axes x1y1 title "Inside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum0FW1_42.gnu" index 2 axes x1y1 title "Inside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum0FW1_42.gnu" index 3 axes x1y1 title "Outside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum0FW1_42.gnu" index 4 axes x1y1 title "Outside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum0FW1_42.gnu" index 5 axes x1y1 title "Sum" with lines lw 3 lc 0 plot "R_illum1FW1_42.gnu" index 0 axes x1y1 title "Central ring. E-shift: 0.125 delta E " with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum1FW1_42.gnu" index 1 axes x1y1 title "Inside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum1FW1_42.gnu" index 2 axes x1y1 title "Inside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum1FW1_42.gnu" index 3 axes x1y1 title "Outside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum1FW1_42.gnu" index 4 axes x1y1 title "Outside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum1FW1_42.gnu" index 5 axes x1y1 title "Sum" with lines lw 3 lc 0 plot "R_illum2FW1_42.gnu" index 0 axes x1y1 title "Central ring. E-shift: 0.250 delta E " with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum2FW1_42.gnu" index 1 axes x1y1 title "Inside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum2FW1_42.gnu" index 2 axes x1y1 title "Inside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum2FW1_42.gnu" index 3 axes x1y1 title "Outside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum2FW1_42.gnu" index 4 axes x1y1 title "Outside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum2FW1_42.gnu" index 5 axes x1y1 title "Sum" with lines lw 3 lc 0 plot "R_illum3FW1_42.gnu" index 0 axes x1y1 title "Central ring. E-shift: 0.375 delta E " with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum3FW1_42.gnu" index 1 axes x1y1 title "Inside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum3FW1_42.gnu" index 2 axes x1y1 title "Inside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum3FW1_42.gnu" index 3 axes x1y1 title "Outside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum3FW1_42.gnu" index 4 axes x1y1 title "Outside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum3FW1_42.gnu" index 5 axes x1y1 title "Sum" with lines lw 3 lc 0 plot "R_illum4FW1_42.gnu" index 0 axes x1y1 title "Central ring. E-shift: 0.500 delta E " with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum4FW1_42.gnu" index 1 axes x1y1 title "Inside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum4FW1_42.gnu" index 2 axes x1y1 title "Inside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum4FW1_42.gnu" index 3 axes x1y1 title "Outside 1st neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum4FW1_42.gnu" index 4 axes x1y1 title "Outside 2nd neighbor ring" with lines lw 3 replot "R_illum4FW1_42.gnu" index 5 axes x1y1 title "Sum" with lines lw 3 lc 0