; give me more working space (avoids "out of data messages") .size 60000 5000 !edit_input=100 ; history size on_error,3 ; return to on_error caller !x.style=1 ; make x-axis "exact" for plots !y.style=16 ; do not force zero to be included in the y-range !path="../idl:~/idl:"+!path ; set path for searches !path = "/usr/local/rsi/idlAstro/pro/:"+!path !path = "/home/sb/jemx/Crab/:"+!path !path="/usr/local/user_contrib:"+!path ; set path to include user_contrib !path = "/usr/local/rsi/idl/astron/pro/:"+!path !path = "/usr/local/rsi/idl/astron/pro/astro_all/:"+!path defsysv,'!im',{im, x: 128, y: 128} ; define system variable !im ; chose device dvce='x' if getenv('OPENWINHOME') eq '/usr/openwin' then dvce='x' if getenv('TERM') eq 'vt100-am' then begin dvce='tek' & !im.x=64 & !im.y=64 if getenv('TERM') eq 'vt100' then begin dvce='tek' & !im.x=64 & !im.y=64 print,"set_plot,'",dvce,"'" set_plot,dvce print,'use "journ" to open a journal file with a unique name' print,'Run: rosatlib when ROSAT library is to be used'