from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext import numpy import os # If the user set GSL_PREFIX, use it. Otherwise check some standard locations. prefix = "" try: prefix = os.environ['GSL_PREFIX'] except: print "Environment variable GSL_PREFIX not set. Trying known locations..." prefixes = ["/usr/", "/usr/local/", "/opt/local/", "/sw/"] for path in prefixes: print "Checking '%s'..." % path try: os.stat(path + "include/gsl/gsl_odeiv.h") prefix = path print "Found GSL in '%s'" % prefix break except: pass if prefix == "": print "Could not find GSL. Stopping..." import sys sys.exit(1) libraries=['gsl', 'gslcblas'] extra_compile_args=["-O3", "-ffast-math", "-Wall"] # Define the extension extension = Extension("exactP", sources=["exactP.pyx", "../../src/verif/tests/exactTestP.c", ], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include(), '../../src/verif/tests/', prefix + '/include'], library_dirs=[prefix + "/lib"], libraries=libraries, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, language="c") setup( name = "exactP", version = "0.0.1", description = "Verification test P helper", author = "PISM authors", author_email = "", cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}, ext_modules = [extension] )