netcdf pism_config { variables: byte pism_config; // boolean flags: pism_config:extras_force_output_times = "yes"; pism_config:extras_force_output_times_doc = "Modify the time-stepping mechanism to hit times requested using -extra_times and -ts_times."; pism_config:ts_force_output_times = "no"; pism_config:ts_force_output_times_doc = "Modify the time-stepping mechanism to hit times requested using -ts_times."; pism_config:interpret_precip_as_snow = "no"; pism_config:interpret_precip_as_snow_doc = "Interpret precipitation as snow fall."; pism_config:do_mass_conserve = "yes"; pism_config:do_mass_conserve_doc = "Solve the mass conservation equation"; pism_config:do_energy = "yes"; pism_config:do_energy_doc = "Solve energy conservation equations."; pism_config:do_cold_ice_methods = "no"; pism_config:do_cold_ice_methods_doc = "Use cold ice (i.e. not polythermal) methods."; pism_config:do_age = "no"; pism_config:do_age_doc = "Solve age equation (advection equation for ice age)."; pism_config:stress_balance_model = "sia_only"; pism_config:stress_balance_model_doc = "stress balance model; choose from 'none', 'sia', 'ssa', 'ssa+sia', 'prescribed_sliding', 'prescribed_sliding+sia'"; pism_config:do_skip = "no"; pism_config:do_skip_doc = "Use the temperature, age, and SSA stress balance computation skipping mechanism."; pism_config:count_time_steps = "no"; pism_config:count_time_steps_doc = "If yes, IceModel::run() will count the number of time steps it took. Sometimes useful for performance evaluation. Counts all steps, regardless of whether processes (mass continuity, energy, velocity, ...) occurred within the step."; pism_config:summary_time_use_calendar = "yes"; pism_config:summary_time_use_calendar_doc = "Whether to use the current calendar when printing model time in summary to stdout."; pism_config:ssa_method = "fd"; pism_config:ssa_method_doc = "Algorithm for computing the SSA solution; choose from 'fd' and 'fem'."; pism_config:do_pseudo_plastic_till = "no"; pism_config:do_pseudo_plastic_till_doc = "Use the pseudo-plastic till model (basal sliding law)."; pism_config:verbose_pik_messages = "no"; pism_config:verbose_pik_messages_doc = "Display verbose PIK messages e.g. about iceberg removal."; pism_config:calving_front_stress_boundary_condition = "no"; pism_config:calving_front_stress_boundary_condition_doc = "Apply CFBC condition as in [@ref Albrechtetal2011, @ref Winkelmannetal2011]. May only apply to some stress balances; e.g. SSAFD as of May 2011. If not set then a strength-extension is used, as in [@ref BBssasliding]."; pism_config:part_grid = "no"; pism_config:part_grid_doc = "apply partially filled grid cell scheme"; pism_config:part_redist = "no"; pism_config:part_redist_doc = "for partially filled grid cell scheme, redistribute residuals Hresidual"; pism_config:part_grid_reduce_frontal_thickness = "no"; pism_config:part_grid_reduce_frontal_thickness_doc = "Reduce the threshold ice thickness at ice fronts using a van der Veen flowline analytical profile"; pism_config:kill_icebergs = "no"; pism_config:kill_icebergs_doc = "identify and kill detached ice-shelf areas"; pism_config:cfl_eigen_calving = "false"; pism_config:cfl_eigen_calving_doc = "apply CFL criterion for eigen-calving rate front retreat"; pism_config:calving_methods = ""; pism_config:calving_methods_doc = "comma-separated list of calving methods; one or more of 'eigen_calving', 'ocean_kill', 'float_kill', 'thickness_calving'"; pism_config:do_fracture_density = "no"; pism_config:do_fracture_density_doc = "Calculation of fracture density according to stresses and strain rate field."; pism_config:fracture_density_softening_lower_limit = 1.0; pism_config:fracture_density_softening_lower_limit_doc = "1; epsilon in equation (6) in Albrecht and Levermann, 'Fracture-induced softening for large-scale ice dynamics'"; pism_config:write_fd_fields = "no"; pism_config:write_fd_fields_doc = "Writing of fracture density related fields to nc-file."; pism_config:bed_deformation_model = "none"; pism_config:bed_deformation_model_doc = "Selects a bed deformation model to use; possible choices are 'none', 'iso' (point-wise isostasy), 'lc' (see [@ref LingleClark], requires FFTW3)."; pism_config:bed_def_lc_elastic_model = "no"; pism_config:bed_def_lc_elastic_model_doc = "Use the elastic part of the Lingle-Clark bed deformation model."; pism_config:is_dry_simulation = "no"; pism_config:is_dry_simulation_doc = "Dry (ocean-less) simulation; ice is considered grounded regardless of ice thickness, bed elevation, and sea level."; pism_config:stress_balance_model = "sia"; pism_config:stress_balance_model_doc = "the stress balance model; the choices are 'none', 'prescribed_sliding', 'sia', 'ssa', 'prescribed_sliding+sia', 'ssa+sia'."; pism_config:write_ssa_system_to_matlab = "no"; pism_config:write_ssa_system_to_matlab_doc = "Specifies whether to write the SSA system to a matlab file"; pism_config:include_bmr_in_continuity = "yes"; pism_config:include_bmr_in_continuity_doc = "Include basal melt rate in the continuity equation"; pism_config:use_constant_nuh_for_ssa = "no"; pism_config:use_constant_nuh_for_ssa_doc = "Compute velocities in ice shelves and streams with a constant value for the product of viscosity @f$\\nu@f$ and thickness @f$H@f$, obtained from the shelf extension"; pism_config:compute_surf_grad_inward_ssa = "no"; pism_config:compute_surf_grad_inward_ssa_doc = "If yes then use inward first-order differencing in computing surface gradient in the SSA objects."; pism_config:ssa_dirichlet_bc = "no"; pism_config:ssa_dirichlet_bc_doc = "apply SSA velocity Dirichlet boundary condition"; pism_config:hydrology_model = "null"; pism_config:hydrology_model_doc = "Choose the hydrology sub-model from 'null', 'routing', 'distributed'."; pism_config:use_linear_in_temperature_heat_capacity = "no"; pism_config:use_linear_in_temperature_heat_capacity_doc = "If yes, use varcEnthalpyConverter class to convert (internally) temperature to/from enthalpy. It is based on equation (4.39) in [@ref GreveBlatter2009]. Otherwise use default class EnthalpyConverter which has temperature-independent (i.e. constant) specific heat capacity, set by constant ice_specific_heat_capacity."; pism_config:use_temperature_dependent_thermal_conductivity = "no"; pism_config:use_temperature_dependent_thermal_conductivity_doc = "If yes, use varkenthSystemCtx class in the energy step. It is base on formula (4.37) in [@ref GreveBlatter2009]. Otherwise use enthSystemCtx, which has temperature-independent thermal conductivity set by constant ice_thermal_conductivity."; pism_config:nu_bedrock = 5.0e15; pism_config:nu_bedrock_doc = "Pa s; Staggered Viscosity used as side friction parameterization."; pism_config:nu_bedrock_set = "false"; pism_config:nu_bedrock_set_doc = "set viscosity at ice shelf margin next to ice free bedrock as friction parameterization"; pism_config:sub_groundingline = "false"; pism_config:sub_groundingline_doc = "Linear interpolation scheme ('LI' in Gladstone et al. 2010) expanded to two dimensions is used if switched on in order to evaluate the position of the grounding line on a subgrid scale."; pism_config:tauc_slippery_grounding_lines = "no"; pism_config:tauc_slippery_grounding_lines_doc = "If yes, replace normally-computed tauc from Mohr-Coulomb relation, which uses the effective pressure from the modeled amount of water in the till, by the minimum value of tauc from Mohr-Coulomb, i.e. by using the effective pressure corresponding to the maximum amount of till-stored water. Does not alter the reported amount of till water, nor does this mechanism affect water conservation."; // parameters: pism_config:bootstrapping_H_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_H_value_no_var_doc = "m; thickness value to use if thk (land_ice_thickness) variable is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_bed_value_no_var = 1.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_bed_value_no_var_doc = "m; bed elevation value to use if topg (bedrock_altitude) variable is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_geothermal_flux_value_no_var = 0.042; pism_config:bootstrapping_geothermal_flux_value_no_var_doc = "W m-2; geothermal flux value to use if bheatflx variable is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_uplift_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_uplift_value_no_var_doc = "m s-1; uplift value to use if dbdt variable is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_tillwat_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_tillwat_value_no_var_doc = "m; till water thickness value to use if variable tillwat is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_bwat_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_bwat_value_no_var_doc = "m; till water thickness value to use if variable tillwat is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_enwat_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_enwat_value_no_var_doc = "m; effective englacial water thickness value to use if variable enwat is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_bwp_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_bwp_value_no_var_doc = "Pa; basal water pressure value to use if variable bwp is absent in bootstrapping file; most hydrology models do not use this value because bwp is diagnostic"; pism_config:bootstrapping_bmelt_value_no_var = 0.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_bmelt_value_no_var_doc = "m s-1; basal melt rate value to use if variable bmelt is absent in bootstrapping file"; pism_config:bootstrapping_tillphi_value_no_var = 15.0; pism_config:bootstrapping_tillphi_value_no_var_doc = "degrees; till friction angle value to use if variable tillphi is absent in bootstrapping file; tends not to slip"; pism_config:bootstrapping_temperature_heuristic = "smb"; pism_config:bootstrapping_temperature_heuristic_doc = "The heuristic to use to initialize ice temperature during bootstrapping: 'sbm' uses the new method using the surface mass balance, surface temperature, and the geothermal flux, 'quartic_guess' uses the old method using the surface temperature and the geothermal flux."; pism_config:preliminary_time_step_duration = 1.0; pism_config:preliminary_time_step_duration_doc = "s; Duration of the time step taken before the run, so as to fill diagnostic quantities."; pism_config:sia_enhancement_factor = 1.0; pism_config:sia_enhancement_factor_doc = "; Flow enhancement factor for SIA"; pism_config:ssa_enhancement_factor = 1.0; pism_config:ssa_enhancement_factor_doc = "; Flow enhancement factor for SSA"; pism_config:brutal_sliding = "false"; pism_config:brutal_sliding_doc = "Enhance sliding speed brutally."; pism_config:brutal_sliding_scale = 1.0; pism_config:brutal_sliding_scale_doc = "; Brutal SSA Sliding Scale"; pism_config:ice_grain_size = 1.0; pism_config:ice_grain_size_doc = "mm; Default constant ice grain size to use with the Goldsby-Kohlstedt [@ref GoldsbyKohlstedt] flow law"; pism_config:compute_grain_size_using_age = "no"; pism_config:compute_grain_size_using_age_doc = "Use age of the ice to compute grain size to use with the Goldsby-Kohlstedt [@ref GoldsbyKohlstedt] flow law"; pism_config:e_age_coupling = "no"; pism_config:e_age_coupling_doc = "Couple the SIA enhancement factor to age as in [@ref Greve]."; pism_config:start_year = 0; pism_config:start_year_doc = "years; Start year."; pism_config:run_length_years = 1000; pism_config:run_length_years_doc = "years; Default run length"; pism_config:adaptive_timestepping_ratio = 0.12; pism_config:adaptive_timestepping_ratio_doc = "; Adaptive time stepping ratio for the explicit scheme for the mass balance equation; @ref BBL, inequality (25)"; pism_config:initial_age_of_ice_years = 0.0; pism_config:initial_age_of_ice_years_doc = "years; Initial age of ice"; pism_config:maximum_time_step_years = 60.0; pism_config:maximum_time_step_years_doc = "years; Maximum allowed time step length"; pism_config:timestep_hit_multiples = 0.0; pism_config:timestep_hit_multiples_doc = "Hit every X years, where X is specified using this parameter. Use 0 to disable"; pism_config:epsilon_ssa = 1.0e13; pism_config:epsilon_ssa_doc = "Pa s m; Initial amount of regularization in computation of product of effective viscosity and thickness (nu * H). This default value for nu * H comes e.g. from a hardness for the Ross ice shelf (bar B) = 1.9e8 Pa s^(1/3) [@ref MacAyealetal] and a typical strain rate of 0.001 year-1 for the Ross ice shelf, giving nu = (bar B) / (2 * 0.001^(2/3)) = 9.49e+14 Pa s ~~ 30 MPa yr, the value in [@ref Ritzetal2001], but with a tiny thickness H of about 1 cm."; pism_config:min_thickness_strength_extension_ssa = 50.0; pism_config:min_thickness_strength_extension_ssa_doc = "m; The SSA is made elliptic by use of a constant value for the product of viscosity (nu) and thickness (H). At ice thicknesses below this value the product nu*H switches from the normal vertical integral to a constant value. The geometry itself is not affected by this value."; pism_config:constant_nu_strength_extension_ssa = 9.48680701906572e+14; pism_config:constant_nu_strength_extension_ssa_doc = "Pa s; The SSA is made elliptic by use of a constant value for the product of viscosity (nu) and thickness (H). This value for nu comes from hardness (bar B)=1.9e8 Pa s^(1/3) [@ref MacAyealetal] and a typical strain rate of 0.001 year-1: nu = (bar B) / (2 * 0.001^(2/3)). Compare the value of 9.45e14 Pa s = 30 MPa yr in [@ref Ritzetal2001]."; pism_config:yield_stress_model = "mohr_coulomb"; pism_config:yield_stress_model_doc = "The basal yield stress model to use when sliding is active; choose from 'mohr_coulomb' and 'constant'"; pism_config:default_tauc = 2e5; pism_config:default_tauc_doc = "Pa; fill value for yield stress for basal till (plastic or pseudo-plastic model); note 2 x 10^5 Pa = 2.0 bar is quite strong and little sliding should occur without an explicit tauc choice altering this default"; pism_config:high_tauc = 1e6; pism_config:high_tauc_doc = "Pa; the 'high' yield stress value used in grounded ice-free areas."; pism_config:sliding_scale_factor_reduces_tauc = -1.0; pism_config:sliding_scale_factor_reduces_tauc_doc = "; divides pseudo-plastic tauc (yield stress) by given factor; this would increase sliding by given factor in absence of membrane stresses; not used if negative or zero; not used by default"; pism_config:beta_ice_free_bedrock = 1.8e9; pism_config:beta_ice_free_bedrock_doc = "Pa s m-1; value is for ice stream E from [@ref HulbeMacAyeal]; thus sliding velocity, but we hope it doesn't matter much; at 100 m/year the linear sliding law gives 57040 Pa basal shear stress"; pism_config:hydrology_use_const_bmelt = "no"; pism_config:hydrology_use_const_bmelt_doc = "if 'yes', subglacial hydrology model sees basal melt rate which is constant and given by hydrology_const_bmelt"; pism_config:hydrology_const_bmelt = 3.168876461e-10; pism_config:hydrology_const_bmelt_doc = "m s-1; = 1 cm per year of melt; only used if hydrology_use_const_bmelt = 'yes'"; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_max = 2.0; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_max_doc = "m; maximum effective thickness of the water stored in till"; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_rate = 1.0e-6; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_rate_doc = "s-1; exponential rate at which tillwat approaches tillwat_max"; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_transfer_proportion = 100.0; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_transfer_proportion_doc = "; tillwat should be comparable to this multiple of bwat"; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_decay_rate_null = 3.16887646154128e-11; pism_config:hydrology_tillwat_decay_rate_null_doc = "m s-1; = 1 mm per year; rate at which tillwat is reduced to zero, in absence of other effects like input; only used by -hydrology null model"; pism_config:hydrology_hydraulic_conductivity = 0.01; pism_config:hydrology_hydraulic_conductivity_doc = "m^{2 beta - alpha} s^{2 beta - 3} kg^{1-beta}; = k in notes; lateral conductivity, in Darcy's law, for subglacial water layer; units depend on powers alpha = hydrology_thickness_power_in_flux and beta = hydrology_potential_gradient_power_in_flux; used by PISMRoutingHydrology and PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_thickness_power_in_flux = 1.2; pism_config:hydrology_thickness_power_in_flux_doc = "; = alpha in notes; power alpha in Darcy's law q = - k W^alpha |grad psi|^{beta-2} grad psi, for subglacial water layer; used by PISMRoutingHydrology and PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_gradient_power_in_flux = 1.5; pism_config:hydrology_gradient_power_in_flux_doc = "; = beta in notes; power beta in Darcy's law q = - k W^alpha |grad psi|^{beta-2} grad psi, for subglacial water layer; used by PISMRoutingHydrology and PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_roughness_scale = 0.1; pism_config:hydrology_roughness_scale_doc = "m; W_r in notes; roughness scale determining maximum amount of cavitation opening in PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_cavitation_opening_coefficient = 0.5; pism_config:hydrology_cavitation_opening_coefficient_doc = "m-1; c_1 in notes; coefficient of cavitation opening term in evolution of layer thickness in PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_creep_closure_coefficient = 0.04; pism_config:hydrology_creep_closure_coefficient_doc = "[pure]; c_2 in notes; coefficient of creep closure term in evolution of layer thickness in PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_regularizing_porosity = 0.01; pism_config:hydrology_regularizing_porosity_doc = "[pure]; phi_0 in notes; regularizes pressure equation by multiplying time derivative term"; pism_config:hydrology_maximum_time_step_years = 1.0; pism_config:hydrology_maximum_time_step_years_doc = "years; maximum allowed time step length used by PISMRoutingHydrology and PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:hydrology_null_strip_width = -1.0; pism_config:hydrology_null_strip_width_doc = "m; if negative then mechanism is inactive; width of strip around computational domain in which water velocity and water amount are set to zero; used by PISMRoutingHydrology and PISMDistributedHydrology"; pism_config:minimum_temperature_for_sliding = 273.0; pism_config:minimum_temperature_for_sliding_doc = "K; This is less than water_melting_point_temperature. If ice base is above this value then decide to do SIA sliding, if that mechanism is active at all."; pism_config:skip_max = 10; pism_config:skip_max_doc = "Number of mass-balance steps, including SIA diffusivity updates, to perform before a the temperature, age, and SSA stress balance computations are done"; pism_config:default_till_phi = 30.0; pism_config:default_till_phi_doc = "degrees; fill value for till friction angle"; pism_config:till_c_0 = 0.0; pism_config:till_c_0_doc = "Pa; cohesion of till; note Schoof uses zero but Paterson pp 168--169 gives range 0--40 kPa; but Paterson notes that '... all the pairs c_0 and phi in the table would give a yield stress for Ice Stream B that exceeds the basal shear stress there...'"; pism_config:till_reference_void_ratio = 0.69; pism_config:till_reference_void_ratio_doc = "[pure]; void ratio at reference effective pressure N_0; value from [@ref Tulaczyketal2000]"; pism_config:till_compressibility_coefficient = 0.12; pism_config:till_compressibility_coefficient_doc = "[pure]; coefficient of compressiblity of till; value from [@ref Tulaczyketal2000]"; pism_config:till_effective_fraction_overburden = 0.02; pism_config:till_effective_fraction_overburden_doc = "[pure]; = delta in notes; N_0 = delta P_o where P_o is overburden pressure; N_0 is reference (low) value of effective pressure (i.e. normal stress); N_0 scales with overburden pressure unlike [@ref Tulaczyketal2000]; default value from Greenland and Antarctic model runs"; pism_config:mu_sliding = 0.0; pism_config:mu_sliding_doc = "The sliding law parameter in SIA sliding paradigm. *This kind of sliding is not recommended, which is why it is used in IceEISModel and IceCompModel only. Changing this parameter will not affect regular PISM runs.* See Appendix B of [@ref BBssasliding] for the dangers in this mechanism."; pism_config:bed_def_interval_years = 10.0; pism_config:bed_def_interval_years_doc = "years; Interval between bed deformation updates"; pism_config:bed_smoother_range = 5.0e3; pism_config:bed_smoother_range_doc = "m; half-width of smoothing domain for PISMBedSmoother, in implementing [@ref Schoofbasaltopg2003] bed roughness parameterization for SIA; set value to zero to turn off mechanism"; pism_config:max_iterations_ssafd = 300; pism_config:max_iterations_ssafd_doc = "Maximum number of iterations for the ice viscosity computation, in the SSAFD object"; pism_config:global_min_allowed_temp = 200.0; pism_config:global_min_allowed_temp_doc = "Kelvin; Minimum allowed ice temperature"; pism_config:max_low_temp_count = 10; pism_config:max_low_temp_count_doc = "Maximum number of grid points with ice temperature below global_min_allowed_temp."; pism_config:eigen_calving_K = 0.0; pism_config:eigen_calving_K_doc = "m s; Set proportionality constant to determine calving rate from strain rates. Note references [@ref Levermannetal2012, @ref Martinetal2011] use K in range 10^9 to 3 x 10^11 m a, that is, 3 x 10^16 to 10^19 m s."; pism_config:thickness_calving_threshold = 50.0; pism_config:thickness_calving_threshold_doc = "m; When terminal ice thickness of floating ice shelf is less than this threshold, it will be calved off."; // for next constants, note (VELOCITY/LENGTH)^2 is very close to 10^-27; compare "\epsilon^2/L^2" which // appears in formula (4.1) in C. Schoof 2006 "A variational approach to ice streams" J Fluid Mech 556 pp 227--251 pism_config:plastic_regularization = 0.01; pism_config:plastic_regularization_doc = "Set the value of @f$\\epsilon@f$ regularization of plastic till; this is the second @f$\\epsilon@f$ in formula (4.1) in [@ref SchoofStream]"; pism_config:pseudo_plastic_q = 0.25; pism_config:pseudo_plastic_q_doc = "; The exponent of the pseudo-plastic basal resistance model"; pism_config:pseudo_plastic_uthreshold = 100.0; pism_config:pseudo_plastic_uthreshold_doc = "m/year; "; pism_config:ssafd_relative_convergence = 1.0e-4; pism_config:ssafd_relative_convergence_doc = "Relative change tolerance for the effective viscosity in the SSAFD object"; // PISMAtmosphereModel and PISMSurfaceModel and PSModifier and LocalMassBalance constants pism_config:pdd_max_evals_per_year = 52; pism_config:pdd_max_evals_per_year_doc = "integer; maximum number of times the PDD scheme will ask for air temperature and precipitation to build location-dependent time series for computing (expected) number of positive degree days and snow accumulation; the default means the PDD uses weekly samples of the annual cycle; see also pdd_std_dev"; pism_config:pdd_positive_threshold_temp = 273.15; pism_config:pdd_positive_threshold_temp_doc = "K; temperature used to determine meaning of 'positive' degree day"; pism_config:pdd_factor_snow = 0.0032967032967033; pism_config:pdd_factor_snow_doc = "m K-1 day-1; EISMINT-Greenland value [@ref RitzEISMINT] ; = (3 mm liquid-water-equivalent) / (pos degree day)"; pism_config:pdd_factor_ice = 0.00879120879120879; pism_config:pdd_factor_ice_doc = "m K-1 day-1; EISMINT-Greenland value [@ref RitzEISMINT] ; = (8 mm liquid-water-equivalent) / (pos degree day)"; pism_config:pdd_refreeze = 0.6; pism_config:pdd_refreeze_doc = "pure fraction; EISMINT-Greenland value [@ref RitzEISMINT] "; pism_config:pdd_std_dev = 5.0; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_doc = "K; std dev of daily temp variation; = EISMINT-Greenland value [@ref RitzEISMINT] "; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_lapse_lat_base = 72.0; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_lapse_lat_base_doc = "degrees_north; std_dev is a function of latitude, with value pdd_std_dev at this latitude; this value only active if pdd_std_dev_lapse_lat_rate is nonzero "; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_lapse_lat_rate = 0.0; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_lapse_lat_rate_doc = "K degrees_north-1; std_dev is a function of latitude, with rate of change with respect to latitude given by this constant "; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_use_param = "no"; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_use_param_doc = "Parameterize standard deviation as a linear function of air temperature over ice-covered grid cells. The region of application is controlled by mask_icefree_thickness_standard."; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_param_a = -0.15; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_param_doc = "Parameter a in Sigma = a*T + b, with T in degrees C. Used only if pdd_std_dev_use_param is set to yes."; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_param_b = 0.66; pism_config:pdd_std_dev_param_doc = "Parameter b in Sigma = a*T + b, with T in degrees C. Used only if pdd_std_dev_use_param is set to yes."; pism_config:pdd_fausto_latitude_beta_w = 72.0; pism_config:pdd_fausto_latitude_beta_w_doc = "degrees N; latitude below which to use warm case, in formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_ice_w = 0.007; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_ice_w_doc = "m day-1 K-1; water-equivalent thickness; for formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_snow_w = 0.003; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_snow_w_doc = "m day-1 K-1; water-equivalent thickness; for formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_ice_c = 0.015; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_ice_c_doc = "m day-1 K-1; water-equivalent thickness; for formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_snow_c = 0.003; pism_config:pdd_fausto_beta_snow_c_doc = "m day-1 K-1; water-equivalent thickness; for formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_fausto_T_w = 283.15; pism_config:pdd_fausto_T_w_doc = "Kelvin; = 10 + 273.15; for formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_fausto_T_c = 272.15; pism_config:pdd_fausto_T_c_doc = "Kelvin; = -1 + 273.15; for formula (6) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_d_ma = 314.98; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_d_ma_doc = "K; = 41.83+273.15; base temperature for formula (1) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_gamma_ma = -0.006309; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_gamma_ma_doc = "Kelvin m-1; = -6.309 / 1km; mean slope lapse rate for formula (1) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_c_ma = -0.7189; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_c_ma_doc = "Kelvin (degN)-1; latitude-dependence coefficient for formula (1) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_kappa_ma = 0.0672; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_kappa_ma_doc = "Kelvin (degW)-1; longitude-dependence coefficient for formula (1) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_d_mj = 287.85; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_d_mj_doc = "Kelvin; = 14.70+273.15; base temperature for formula (2) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_gamma_mj = -0.005426; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_gamma_mj_doc = "Kelvin m-1; = -5.426 / 1km; mean slope lapse rate for formula (2) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_c_mj = -0.1585; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_c_mj_doc = "Kelvin (degN)-1; latitude-dependence coefficient for formula (2) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_kappa_mj = 0.0518; pism_config:snow_temp_fausto_kappa_mj_doc = "Kelvin (degW)-1; longitude-dependence coefficient for formula (2) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:snow_temp_july_day = 196; pism_config:snow_temp_july_day_doc = "day; day of year for July 15; used in corrected formula (4) in [@ref Faustoetal2009] "; pism_config:pdd_balance_year_start_day = 274; pism_config:pdd_balance_year_start_day_doc = "day; day of year for October 1st, beginning of the balance year in northern latitudes."; pism_config:pdd_refreeze_ice_melt = "yes"; pism_config:pdd_refreeze_ice_melt_doc = "If set to 'yes', refreeze pdd_refreeze fraction of melted ice, otherwise all of the melted ice runs off."; pism_config:air_temp_all_precip_as_snow = 273.15; pism_config:air_temp_all_precip_as_snow_doc = "Kelvin; threshold temperature below which all precipitation is snow"; pism_config:air_temp_all_precip_as_rain = 275.15; pism_config:air_temp_all_precip_as_rain_doc = "Kelvin; threshold temperature above which all precipitation is rain; must exceed air_temp_all_precip_as_snow to avoid division by zero, because difference is in a denominator"; pism_config:precip_exponential_factor_for_temperature = 0.07041666667; pism_config:precip_exponential_factor_for_temperature_doc = "Kelvin-1; = 0.169/2.4; in SeaRISE-Greenland formula for paleo-precipitation from present; a 7.3\% change of precipitation rate for every one degC of temperature change [@ref Huybrechts02] "; pism_config:force_to_thickness_alpha = 0.01; pism_config:force_to_thickness_alpha_doc = "yr-1; exponential coefficient in force-to-thickness mechanism"; // PISMOceanModel constants pism_config:ocean_sub_shelf_heat_flux_into_ice = 0.5; pism_config:ocean_sub_shelf_heat_flux_into_ice_doc = "W m-2; = J m-2 s-1; naively chosen default value for heat from ocean; see comments in src/coupler/"; // SSA inversion constants pism_config:inv_ssa_method = "tikhonov_lmvm"; pism_config:inv_ssa_method_doc = "algorithm to use for SSA inversions"; pism_config:inv_design_param = "exp"; pism_config:inv_design_param_doc = "parameterization of design variables used during inversion"; pism_config:inv_state_func = "meansquare"; pism_config:inv_state_func_doc = "functional used for inversion design variables"; pism_config:inv_design_func = "sobolevH1"; pism_config:inv_design_func_doc = "functional used for inversion design variables"; pism_config:inv_design_cL2 = 1; pism_config:inv_design_cL2_doc = "weight of derivative-free part of an H1 norm for inversion design variables"; pism_config:inv_design_cH1 = 0; pism_config:inv_design_cH1_doc = "weight of derivative part of an H1 norm for inversion design variables"; pism_config:inv_ssa_tv_exponent = 1.2; pism_config:inv_ssa_tv_exponent_doc = "Lebesgue exponent for pseudo-TV norm"; pism_config:inv_log_ratio_scale = 10; pism_config:inv_log_ratio_scale_doc = "Reference scale for log-ratio functionals"; pism_config:inv_ssa_velocity_scale = 100; pism_config:inv_ssa_velocity_scale_doc = "m/year; typical size of ice velocities expected during inversion"; pism_config:inv_ssa_velocity_eps = .1; pism_config:inv_ssa_velocity_eps_doc = "m/year; tiny size of ice velocities during inversion"; pism_config:inv_ssa_length_scale = 50e3; pism_config:inv_ssa_length_scale_doc = "m; typical length scale for rescaling derivative norms"; pism_config:inv_ssa_tauc_min = 0; pism_config:inv_ssa_tauc_min_doc = "Pa; Minimum allowed value of tauc for inversions with bound constraints"; pism_config:inv_ssa_tauc_max = 5e7; pism_config:inv_ssa_tauc_max_doc = "Pa; Maximum allowed value of tauc for inversions with bound constraints"; pism_config:inv_ssa_hardav_min = 0; pism_config:inv_ssa_hardav_min_doc = "Pa s^(1/3); Minimum allowed value of hardav for inversions with bound constraints"; pism_config:inv_ssa_hardav_max = 1e10; pism_config:inv_ssa_hardav_max_doc = "Pa s^(1/3); Maximum allowed value of hardav for inversions with bound constraints"; pism_config:inv_target_misfit = 100; pism_config:inv_target_misfit_doc = "m/year; desired root misfit for SSA inversions"; pism_config:tikhonov_atol = 1e-10; pism_config:tikhonov_atol_doc = "m/year; absolute threshold for Tikhonov stopping criterion"; pism_config:tikhonov_rtol = 5e-2; pism_config:tikhonov_rtol_doc = "relative threshold for Tikhonov stopping criterion"; pism_config:tikhonov_ptol = .1; pism_config:tikhonov_ptol_doc = "threshold for reaching desired misfit for adaptive Tikhonov algorithms"; pism_config:tikhonov_penalty_weight = 1; pism_config:tikhonov_penalty_weight_doc = "penalty parameter for Tikhonov inversion"; pism_config:design_param_tauc_scale = 100000; pism_config:design_param_tauc_scale_doc = "Pa; typical size of yield stresses"; pism_config:design_param_tauc_eps = 100; pism_config:design_param_tauc_eps_doc = "Pa; tiny yield stress used as a substitute for 0 in some tauc parameterizations"; pism_config:design_param_trunc_tauc0 = 1000; pism_config:design_param_trunc_tauc0_doc = "Pa; transition point of change to linear behaviour for design variable parameterization type 'trunc'"; pism_config:design_param_hardav_scale = 1e8; pism_config:design_param_hardav_scale_doc = "Pa s^(1/3); typical size of ice hardness"; pism_config:design_param_hardav_eps = 1e4; pism_config:design_param_hardav_eps_doc = "Pa s^(1/3); tiny hardav used as a substitute for 0 in some tauc parameterizations"; pism_config:design_param_trunc_hardav0 = 1e6; pism_config:design_param_trunc_hardav0_doc = "Pa s^(1/3); transition point of change to linear behaviour for design variable parameterization type 'trunc'"; pism_config:beta_CC = 7.9e-8; pism_config:beta_CC_doc = "K Pa-1; Clausius-Clapeyron constant [@ref Luethi2002]"; pism_config:surface_pressure = 0.0; pism_config:surface_pressure_doc = "Pa; atmospheric pressure; = pressure at ice surface"; pism_config:water_melting_point_temperature = 273.15; pism_config:water_melting_point_temperature_doc = "K; melting point of pure water"; pism_config:enthalpy_converter_reference_temperature = 223.15; pism_config:enthalpy_converter_reference_temperature_doc = "K; = T_0 in enthalpy formulas in [@ref AschwandenBuelerKhroulevBlatter]"; pism_config:water_latent_heat_fusion = 3.34e5; pism_config:water_latent_heat_fusion_doc = "J kg-1; latent heat of fusion for water [@ref AschwandenBlatter]"; pism_config:water_specific_heat_capacity = 4170.0; pism_config:water_specific_heat_capacity_doc = "J kg-1 Kelvin-1; at melting point T_0 [@ref AschwandenBlatter]"; pism_config:ice_density = 910.0; pism_config:ice_density_doc = "kg m-3; = rho_i; density of ice in ice sheet"; pism_config:ice_thermal_conductivity = 2.10; pism_config:ice_thermal_conductivity_doc = "J m-1 K-1 s-1; = W m-1 K-1"; pism_config:ice_specific_heat_capacity = 2009.0; pism_config:ice_specific_heat_capacity_doc = "J kg-1 K-1; at melting point T_0"; pism_config:Glen_exponent = 3.0; pism_config:Glen_exponent_doc = "; Glen exponent in ice flow law"; pism_config:ice_softness = 3.1689e-24; pism_config:ice_softness_doc = "Pa-3 s-1; ice softness used by IsothermalGlenIce [@ref EISMINT96]"; pism_config:Hooke_A = 4.42165e-9; pism_config:Hooke_A_doc = "s-1 Pa-3; A_Hooke = (1/B_0)^n where n=3 and B_0 = 1.928 a^(1/3) Pa. See [@ref Hooke]"; pism_config:Hooke_Q = 7.88e4; pism_config:Hooke_Q_doc = "J / mol; Activation energy, see [@ref Hooke]"; pism_config:Hooke_C = 0.16612; pism_config:Hooke_C_doc = "Kelvin^Hooke_k; See [@ref Hooke]"; pism_config:Hooke_k = 1.17; pism_config:Hooke_k_doc = "; See [@ref Hooke]"; pism_config:Hooke_Tr = 273.39; pism_config:Hooke_Tr_doc = "Kelvin; See [@ref Hooke]"; pism_config:Schoof_regularizing_length = 1000.0; pism_config:Schoof_regularizing_length_doc = "km; Regularizing length (Schoof definition)"; pism_config:Schoof_regularizing_velocity = 1.0; pism_config:Schoof_regularizing_velocity_doc = "m/year; Regularizing velocity (Schoof definition)"; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_A_cold = 3.61e-13; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_A_cold_doc = "Pa^-3 / s; Paterson-Budd A_cold, see [@ref PatersonBudd]"; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_A_warm = 1.73e3; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_A_warm_doc = "Pa^-3 / s; Paterson-Budd A_warm, see [@ref PatersonBudd]"; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_Q_cold = 6.0e4; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_Q_cold_doc = "J/mol; Paterson-Budd Q_cold, see [@ref PatersonBudd]"; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_Q_warm = 13.9e4; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_Q_warm_doc = "J/mol; Paterson-Budd Q_warm, see [@ref PatersonBudd]"; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_critical_temperature = 263.15; pism_config:Paterson-Budd_critical_temperature_doc = "Kelvin; Paterson-Budd critical temperature, see [@ref PatersonBudd]"; pism_config:sia_sliding_verification_mode = "no"; pism_config:sia_sliding_verification_mode_doc = "; Enable 'verification mode' of the SIA sliding code."; pism_config:temperature_allow_above_melting = "no"; pism_config:temperature_allow_above_melting_doc = "If set to 'yes', allow temperatures above the pressure-malting point in the cold mode temperature code. Used by some verifiaction tests."; pism_config:sia_flow_law = "gpbld"; pism_config:sia_flow_law_doc = "The SIA flow law. Choose one of 'pb', 'custom', 'gpbld', 'hooke', 'arr', 'arrwarm'."; pism_config:ssa_flow_law = "gpbld"; pism_config:ssa_flow_law_doc = "The SSA flow law. Choose one of 'pb', 'custom', 'gpbld', 'hooke', 'arr', 'arrwarm'."; pism_config:enthalpy_cold_bulge_max = 60270.0; pism_config:enthalpy_cold_bulge_max_doc = "J kg-1; = (2009 J kg-1 K-1) * (30 K); maximum amount by which advection can reduce the enthalpy of a column of ice below its surface enthalpy value"; pism_config:enthalpy_temperate_conductivity_ratio = 0.1; pism_config:enthalpy_temperate_conductivity_ratio_doc = "pure number; K in cold ice is multiplied by this fraction to give K0 in [@ref AschwandenBuelerKhroulevBlatter]"; pism_config:gpbld_water_frac_coeff = 181.25; pism_config:gpbld_water_frac_coeff_doc = "; coefficient in Glen-Paterson-Budd flow law for extra dependence of softness on liquid water fraction (omega) [@ref GreveBlatter2009, @ref LliboutryDuval1985]"; pism_config:gpbld_water_frac_observed_limit = 0.01; pism_config:gpbld_water_frac_observed_limit_doc = "; maximum value of liquid water fraction omega for which softness values are parameterized by [@ref LliboutryDuval1985]; used in Glen-Paterson-Budd-Lliboutry-Duval flow law; compare [@ref AschwandenBuelerKhroulevBlatter]"; pism_config:drainage_target_water_frac = 0.01; pism_config:drainage_target_water_frac_doc = "; liquid water fraction (omega) above which drainage occurs, but below which there is no drainage; see [@ref AschwandenBuelerKhroulevBlatter]"; pism_config:drainage_max_rate = 1.58443823077064e-09; pism_config:drainage_max_rate_doc = "s-1; = 0.05 year-1; maximum rate at which liquid water fraction in temperate ice could possibly drain; see [@ref AschwandenBuelerKhroulevBlatter]"; pism_config:fresh_water_density = 1000.0; pism_config:fresh_water_density_doc = "kg m-3;"; pism_config:sea_water_density = 1028.0; pism_config:sea_water_density_doc = "kg m-3;"; pism_config:sea_water_specific_heat_capacity = 3985.0; pism_config:sea_water_specific_heat_capacity_doc = "J kg-1 Kelvin-1; at 35 psu, value taken from"; pism_config:ocean_three_equation_model_clip_salinity = "yes"; pism_config:ocean_three_equation_model_clip_salinity_doc = "Clip shelf base salinity so that it is in the range [4, 40] k/kg. See [@ref HollandJenkins1999]."; pism_config:bedrock_thermal_density = 3300.0; pism_config:bedrock_thermal_density_doc = "kg m-3; for bedrock used in thermal model"; pism_config:bedrock_thermal_conductivity = 3.0; pism_config:bedrock_thermal_conductivity_doc = "J m-1 K-1 s-1; = W m-1 K-1; for bedrock used in thermal model [@ref RitzEISMINT]"; pism_config:bedrock_thermal_specific_heat_capacity = 1000.0; pism_config:bedrock_thermal_specific_heat_capacity_doc = "J kg-1 K-1; for bedrock used in thermal model [@ref RitzEISMINT]"; // for following, reference Lingle & Clark (1985) and Bueler, Lingle, & Kallen-Brown (2006) // D = E T^3/(12 (1-nu^2)) for Young's modulus E = 6.6e10 N/m^2, lithosphere thickness // T = 88 km, and Poisson's ratio nu = 0.5 pism_config:lithosphere_density = 3300.0; pism_config:lithosphere_density_doc = "kg m-3; lithosphere density used by the bed deformation model. See [@ref LingleClark, @ref BLKfastearth]"; pism_config:lithosphere_flexural_rigidity = 5.0e24; pism_config:lithosphere_flexural_rigidity_doc = "N m; lithosphere flexural rigidity used by the bed deformation model. See [@ref LingleClark, @ref BLKfastearth]"; pism_config:mantle_viscosity = 1.0e21; pism_config:mantle_viscosity_doc = "Pa s; half-space (mantle) viscosity used by the bed deformation model. See [@ref LingleClark, @ref BLKfastearth]"; pism_config:seconds_per_year = 3.15569259747e7; pism_config:seconds_per_year_doc = "; should match the one used by UDUNITS-2"; pism_config:standard_gravity = 9.81; pism_config:standard_gravity_doc = "m s-2; acceleration due to gravity on Earth geoid"; pism_config:ideal_gas_constant = 8.31441; pism_config:ideal_gas_constant_doc = "J mol-1 K-1; ideal gas constant"; pism_config:climate_forcing_buffer_size = 60; pism_config:climate_forcing_buffer_size_doc = "; number of 2D climate forcing records to keep in memory; = 5 years of monthly records"; pism_config:climate_forcing_evaluations_per_year = 52; pism_config:climate_forcing_evaluations_per_year_doc = "; length of the time-series used to compute temporal averages of forcing data (such as mean annual temperature)"; pism_config:timeseries_buffer_size = 10000; pism_config:timeseries_buffer_size_doc = "; Number of scalar diagnostic time-series records to hold in memory before writing to disk. (PISM writes this many time-series records to reduce I/O costs.) Send the USR2 signal to flush time-series."; pism_config:summary_vol_scale_factor_log10 = 6; pism_config:summary_vol_scale_factor_log10_doc = "; an integer; log base 10 of scale factor to use for volume (in km^3) in summary line to stdout"; pism_config:summary_area_scale_factor_log10 = 6; pism_config:summary_area_scale_factor_log10_doc = "; an integer; log base 10 of scale factor to use for area (in km^2) in summary line to stdout"; pism_config:mask_icefree_thickness_standard = 0.01; pism_config:mask_icefree_thickness_standard_doc = "m; If ice is thinner than this standard then the mask is set to MASK_ICE_FREE_BEDROCK or MASK_ICE_FREE_OCEAN."; pism_config:mask_is_floating_thickness_standard = 1.0; pism_config:mask_is_floating_thickness_standard_doc = "m; If flotation criterion is different by more than this amount then mask is set to MASK_ICE_FREE_OCEAN or MASK_FLOATING."; pism_config:viewer_size = 320; pism_config:viewer_size_doc = "; default diagnostic viewer size"; // Strings: pism_config:time_dimension_name = "time"; pism_config:time_dimension_name_doc = "The name of the time dimension in PISM output files."; pism_config:summary_time_unit_name = "year"; pism_config:summary_time_unit_name_doc = "Time units used when printing model time, time step, and maximum horizontal velocity at summary to stdout. Must be valid udunits for time. (E.g. choose from year,month,day,hour,minute,second.)"; pism_config:calendar = "365_day"; pism_config:calendar_doc = "The calendar to use. Choose from standard,gregorian,proleptic_gregorian,noleap,365_day,360_day,julian."; pism_config:run_title = ""; pism_config:run_title_doc = "Free-form string containing a concise description of the current run. This string is written to output files as the 'title' global attribute."; pism_config:institution = ""; pism_config:institution_doc = "Institution name. This string is written to output files as the 'institution' global attribute."; pism_config:reference_date = "1-1-1"; pism_config:reference_date_doc = "year-month-day; reference date used for calendar computations and in PISM output files"; pism_config:surface_gradient_method = "haseloff"; pism_config:surface_gradient_method_doc = "method used for surface gradient calculation at staggered grid points; possible values are 'mahaffy', 'eta', 'haseloff' (lowercase)"; pism_config:grid_periodicity = "none"; pism_config:grid_periodicity_doc = "PISM grid periodicity; possible values are 'none', 'x', 'y', 'xy' (lowercase)."; pism_config:grid_ice_vertical_spacing = "quadratic"; pism_config:grid_ice_vertical_spacing_doc = "; Default vertical spacing in the ice. Possible values: 'quadratic' and 'equal'."; pism_config:grid_Mx = 61; pism_config:grid_Mx_doc = "; Number of grid points in the x direction."; pism_config:grid_My = 61; pism_config:grid_My_doc = "; Number of grid points in the y direction."; pism_config:grid_Mz = 31; pism_config:grid_Mz_doc = "; Number of vertical grid levels in the ice."; pism_config:grid_Mbz = 1; pism_config:grid_Mbz_doc = "; Number of thermal bedrock layers; 1 level corresponds to no bedrock."; pism_config:grid_Lx = 1500e3; pism_config:grid_Lx_doc = "m; Default computational box is 3000 km x 3000 km (= 2 Lx x 2 Ly) in horizontal."; pism_config:grid_Ly = 1500e3; pism_config:grid_Ly_doc = "m; Default computational box is 3000 km x 3000 km (= 2 Lx x 2 Ly) in horizontal."; pism_config:grid_Lz = 4000; pism_config:grid_Lz_doc = "meters; Height of the computational domain."; pism_config:grid_Lbz = 0; pism_config:grid_Lbz_doc = "meters; Thickness of the thermal bedrock layer."; pism_config:grid_lambda = 4.0; pism_config:grid_lambda_doc = "; Vertical grid spacing parameter. Roughly equal to the factor by which the grid is coarser at an end away from the ice-bedrock interface."; pism_config:cold_mode_is_temperate_ice_tolerance = 0.001; pism_config:cold_mode_is_temperate_ice_tolerance_doc = "Kelvin; Tolerance within which ice is treated as temperate (cold-ice mode only)."; pism_config:correct_cell_areas = "yes"; pism_config:correct_cell_areas_doc = "Compute corrected cell areas using WGS84 datum (for ice area and volume computations)."; pism_config:output_format = "netcdf3"; pism_config:output_format_doc = "The I/O format used for spatial fields; allowed values are 'netcdf3' (the default), 'netcd4_parallel' (available if PISM was built against NetCDF with parallel I/O enabled), and 'pnetcdf' (available if PISM was built againts PnetCDF)."; pism_config:output_variable_order = "xyz"; pism_config:output_variable_order_doc = "Variable order to use in output files. Possible values are 'zyx' (slowest), 'yxz' and 'xyz' (fastest)."; pism_config:output_medium = "IcebergMask bwat bwatvel cbar cbase cflx climatic_mass_balance csurf diffusivity edot_1 edot_2 enthalpy ice_surface_temp liqfrac mask schoofs_theta tauc taud_mag temp_pa tillwat topgsmooth usurf wvelsurf"; pism_config:output_medium_doc = "Space-separated list of variables to write to the output (in addition to model_state variables) if 'medium' output size (the default) is selected. Does not include fields written by boundary models."; pism_config:output_big = "IcebergMask age bfrict bheatflx bmelt bwat bwatvel cbar cbase cell_area cflx climatic_mass_balance csurf cts dbdt diffusivity edot_1 edot_2 enthalpy enthalpybase enthalpysurf flux_divergence hardav ice_surface_temp lat liqfrac litho_temp lon mask nuH ocean_kill_mask rank schoofs_theta tauc taud_mag temp temp_pa tempbase tempicethk tempicethk_basal temppabase tempsurf thk thksmooth tillphi tillwat topg topgsmooth usurf uvel velbar velbase velsurf vvel wvel wvel_rel wvelbase wvelsurf"; pism_config:output_big_doc = "Space-separated list of variables to write to the output (in addition to model_state variables) if 'big' output size is selected. Does not include fields written by boundary models."; pism_config:backup_interval = 1.0; pism_config:backup_interval_doc = "hours; wall-clock time between automatic backups"; pism_config:fill_value = -2e9; pism_config:fill_value_doc = "_FillValue used when saving diagnostic quantities"; }