/* This corresponds to the three-equation model for the diffusion-only case (equation 21) in @article{HollandJenkins1999, title={Modeling thermodynamic ice-ocean interactions at the base of an ice shelf}, author={Holland, David M and Jenkins, Adrian}, journal={Journal of Physical Oceanography}, volume={29}, number={8}, pages={1787--1800}, year={1999} } */ /* define all necessary variables */ load("common_definitions.mac")$ /* add some shortcuts */ h : ice_thickness $ c_pW : ocean_heat_capacity $ c_pI : ice_heat_capacity $ rho_I : ice_density $ rho_W : ocean_density $ kappa : ice_thermal_diffusivity $ /* Temperature gradient at the base of the ice; assume linear temperature profile through the thickness of the shelf */ grad_T : delta_T / h $ B_simplified : gamma_s*L + gamma_t*c_pW*(Theta_W - b[2]*h - b[1]) + rho_I*c_pI*kappa*(T_S - a[2]*h - a[1]) / (h * rho_W) $ /* solve salinity and heat flux balance equations and find coefficients of the quadratic equation for the shelf base salinity */ load("flux_balance.mac")$ print("Checking the simplified form of B; this should print 0:", expand(B - B_simplified))$ tex('B = B_simplified)$