project (Pism) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.0) # 2.8.0 is almost 3 years old, so this should be OK include ("CMake/PISM_CMake_macros.cmake") list (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${Pism_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake") set (Pism_BRANCH "stable") # Set Pism_REVISION_TAG pism_set_revision_tag() # Put executables in the build directory: set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) # Set the install prefix pism_set_install_prefix() # Set Pism_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE (*after* we set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX above). pism_check_build_dir_location() set (Pism_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${Pism_LIB_DIR}/" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) mark_as_advanced (Pism_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) file (WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/.petscrc "-config ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/") # The default options cache option (Pism_BUILD_EXTRA_EXECS "Build extra executables (mostly testing/verification)" OFF) option (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared Pism libraries" ON) option (Pism_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS "Build python bindings" OFF) option (Pism_USE_PROJ4 "Use Proj.4 to compute cell areas, longitudes, and latitudes." ON) option (Pism_USE_PARALLEL_NETCDF4 "Enables parallel NetCDF-4 I/O." ON) option (Pism_USE_PNETCDF "Enables parallel NetCDF-3 I/O using PnetCDF." ON) option (Pism_USE_TAO "Use TAO in inverse solvers." ON) option (Pism_TEST_USING_VALGRIND "Add extra regression tests using valgrind" OFF) mark_as_advanced (Pism_TEST_USING_VALGRIND) option (Pism_ADD_FPIC "Add -fPIC to C++ compiler flags (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS). Try turning it off if it does not work." ON) option (Pism_LINK_STATICALLY "Set CMake flags to try to ensure that everything is linked statically") option (Pism_LOOK_FOR_LIBRARIES "Specifies whether PISM should look for libraries. (Disable this on Crays.)" ON) option (Pism_USE_TR1 "Use the std::tr1 namespace to access shared pointer definitions. Disable to get shared pointers from the std namespace (might be needed with some compilers)." ON) # Use rpath by default; this has to go first, because rpath settings may be overridden later. pism_use_rpath() if (Pism_LINK_STATICALLY) pism_strictly_static() endif () # Deal with build types set (Pism_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel.") # Force the default cache entry to obey Pism_BUILD_TYPE set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${Pism_BUILD_TYPE} CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) mark_as_advanced (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # hide the default entry if (Pism_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") set (Pism_BUILD_EXTRA_EXECS ON CACHE BOOL "Build extra executables (mostly testing/verification)" FORCE) option (Pism_DEBUG "Enables extra checks in the code." ON) option (Pism_PEDANTIC_WARNINGS "Compile with pedantic warnings." ON) option (Pism_GPROF_FLAGS "Add flags necessary to profile with gprof." OFF) endif (Pism_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") # Enable extra checks in the code: if (Pism_DEBUG) message (STATUS "Adding -DPISM_DEBUG=1 to compiler flags.") add_definitions (-DPISM_DEBUG=1) else() message (STATUS "Adding -DPISM_DEBUG=0 to compiler flags.") add_definitions (-DPISM_DEBUG=0) endif () # Add -fPIC to CXX flags; note that this will not show up in CMakeCache.txt if (Pism_ADD_FPIC) if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "-fPIC") message (STATUS "Adding -fPIC to C++ compiler flags.") set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fPIC ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "C++ compiler flags" FORCE) endif() endif () if (Pism_PEDANTIC_WARNINGS) pism_set_pedantic_flags() endif (Pism_PEDANTIC_WARNINGS) if (Pism_GPROF_FLAGS) set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -pg -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline-functions -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fno-optimize-sibling-calls") set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -pg -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline-functions -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fno-optimize-sibling-calls") endif () # Look for libraries using find_package(...), etc. Run CMake with -DPism_LOOK_FOR_LIBRARIES=OFF # to build on systems that rely on the module system to set all compiler and linker flags. if (Pism_LOOK_FOR_LIBRARIES) pism_find_prerequisites() endif() # Set Pism_EXTERNAL_LIBS and include directories. pism_set_dependencies() if (Pism_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS) find_package(Python REQUIRED) find_package(PETSc4Py REQUIRED) find_package(SWIG REQUIRED) mark_as_advanced (SWIG_DIR SWIG_EXECUTABLE SWIG_VERSION) execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=True, prefix='${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}')" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PISM_INSTALL_PYTHON_MODULE_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) set(PISM_INSTALL_PYTHON_MODULE_DIR ${PISM_INSTALL_PYTHON_MODULE_DIR} CACHE PATH "Python extension module installation directory." ) endif () # Do cell area computations the right way if we have proj.4. if (Pism_USE_PROJ4) add_definitions (-DPISM_USE_PROJ4=1) else() add_definitions (-DPISM_USE_PROJ4=0) endif() # Use TAO in inverse solvers. if (Pism_USE_TAO) add_definitions (-DPISM_USE_TAO=1) endif() if (Pism_USE_TR1) message (STATUS "Adding -DPISM_USE_TR1=1 to compiler flags.") add_definitions (-DPISM_USE_TR1=1) endif () add_custom_target (etags COMMAND find . -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*\\.(c|cc|h|hh|py)" | xargs etags WORKING_DIRECTORY ${Pism_SOURCE_DIR} VERBATIM ) # Install helper scripts residing in util/ install (PROGRAMS util/ util/ util/ util/ util/ util/ util/ DESTINATION ${Pism_BIN_DIR}) add_subdirectory (src) add_subdirectory (site-packages) if (Pism_BUILD_PDFS) add_subdirectory (doc) else() add_subdirectory (doc EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() add_subdirectory (doc/browser EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory (doc/pismpython EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # PISM regression testing ENABLE_TESTING() include(CTest) add_subdirectory (test/regression)