DTU10ann model of global annual sea surface anomalies The DTU10ann model consists of 4 grids that can be downloaded in either GRAVSOFT format (.grd) or text format (.dat). Along with the gridfiles is a stand-alone Fortran program "extract_ann_signal.f" that can be used to extract the annual sea surface phase and amplitude variations from the .grd files. - DTU10ann_cos.grd or DTU10ann_cos.dat - DTU10ann_sin.grd or DTU10ann_sin.dat - DTU10ann_amp.grd or DTU10ann_amp.dat - DTU10ann_pha.grd or DTU10ann_pha.dat - extract_ann_signal.f The DTU10ann has been calculated from the global model GECCO using data from 1992-2004. GECCO is a part of ECCO (National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP). In a test of 4 sea surface height models GECCO proved to be the best compared to altimetry data from TOPEX/JASON (+-66deg), ERS-2/ENVISAT (+-82) and ICESAT (+-88) in the period from 1995-2010. In many regions the amplitude and phase signals returned from the model data ahd to be adjusted to the altimetry data to obtain DTU10ann. The program can be compiled by standard Fortran compilers and run. Input: Time_dec. Time in decimal years. eg if the phase you want the phase from january 29. Input 29/365 =0.0795. Lat in degrees. [-90,90] Lom in degrees. [-90,90] Output: Dhann(time_dec,lat,lon). Predicted annual sea level variations in [meter] Amp(lat,lon). Predicted Amplitude in [meter] Phase(lat,lon). Predicted Phase in degrees [-180,180] Sin(lat,lon). Predicted Sine value in [rad] Cos(lat,lon). Predicted Cosine value in [rad] Bilinear interpolation is used to find the predicted amplitude, cosine and sine grid values from a given (lat,lon). The phase is calculated by: f_xy_pha = 360*ATAN2(f_xy_sin,f_xy_cos)/topi and the annual sea level variations is calculated as: dhann(t) = f_xy_amp*cos(time_rad-f_xy_pha*topi/360), where time_rad=2pi*time_dec For more details contact Ole B. Andersen at oa@space.dtu.dk.