program geogrid implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c g e o g r i d c c program for gridding of irregular distributed data into c a regular rectangular grid, for interpolationg data in profiles, c or for interpolating individual points using enhanced, fast c weighted means interpolation or collocation/kriging. c the program may detrend data prior to gridding, or just fit c a trend surface to data c c a quadrant search method is used internally in the program c to speed up computations. this means that at each prediction c point only the 'nqmax' nearest points is used in each of the c four quadrants around the point. to speed up the quadrant c search an internal data organization is used, where an c internal data grid ensuring 'rdat' (p.t. 3) points per compartment c in average is used. this grid is not related to the possible c wanted prediction grid. c c program input: c c c c c nd, idno, nqmax, itrend, ipred, c , c mode, rkm, c c c where c c nd ... data values in line pr. point in c not used when contain a grid (mode 7, see below) c c idno ... data value used out of the 'nd' possibilities. c if 'idno' is zero the height data are gridded. c if 'idno' is negative then the data number abs(idno) c is assumed to be followed by a standard deviation. c the standard deviation is used in the collocation c prediction only if it is greater than the specified c sigma, see predpar below. c Standard deviations on heights is specified as idno = -99 c Special bouguer/free-air option: if idno = 99, c free-air is used at sea, bouguer on land, with free-air c anomaly position first on line. sea points have negative h. c c nqmax ... number of closest points per quadrant used in prediction, c if nqmax<=0 all points are used. c c itrend ... trend surface removal: 0 none (just grid data) c 1 remove mean c 2 remove linear function in x and y c 3 remove 2nd order polynomium c 4 remove 3rd order polynomial c 5 remove 4-par (geographic only), c corresponds to 7-parameter datum shift c if 'itrend' is negative only the residuals from the trending c are output (i.e. data trend is not restored after prediction) c c ipred ... prediction type: 0 none (detrend only) c 1 collocation (kriging) c 2 weighted means c c depends on prediction type: c ipred = 1: xhalf(km), rms(noise) c - 2: prediction power (e.g. 2) c note: for collocation rms(noise) is the smallest standard c deviation used when data is given with sigmas. c c mode ... specifies data to be predicted: c mode = 1: grid in geographical coordinates c 2, 3: grid in utm projection c 4: profile interpolation c 5: point interpolation, data points given in c in standard gi format, i.e. as c gi-id, lat, lon, height, ... c 6: do, with input data assumed to be bouguer c anomalies (grs67/2.67). output data will be c gravity values, derived from interpolated c anomalies and prediction point heights. c 7: fill-in of unknown (9999) grid values. In this case c must contain a grid rather than a point list. c Only the 9999-values are actually predicted. c negative: Same as positive value, except only positive c prediction values allowed (all negative values c set to zero). Use for DTM interpolation only. c c rkm ... margin (km) for data selection area surrounding the c wanted grid (or rectangular envelope of the profile c or wanted points for mode > 3). c c specifies prediction points depending on 'mode': c c mode 1: fi1, fi2, la1, la2, dfi, dla (geographic grid) c - 2: n1, n2, e1, e2, dn, de / iell, zone (utm grid) c - 3: fi1, la1, dn, de, nn, ne / iell, zone (utm grid with c sw-corner lat/lon, c spacing, and number of c points) c - 4: fi1, la1, fi2, la2, n (profile with 'n' points) c - 5, 6, 7: (nothing) c c the utm projections are defined by their zone no ('uzone') and c ellipsoid no ('ie'): ie = 1: wgs84/nad83, ie = 2: hayf/ed50, c ie = 3: clarke/nad27. c c the contains data points in standard gi-format, i.e. given c as lines 'stat-id, lat, lon, height, data(1), .. , data(nd)', where c 'idno' specifies which data to be used. c data values <= -9999 or >= 9999 signals missing data and not used. c c output on grid format is written in 'ofile'. for collocation errors c are written on 'ofile'. for weighted mean interpolation 'efile' c contains distances in km to the closest data point. c for profile and point interpolation all output is on 'ofile'. c c for collocation a second order markov model is used, with c0 c assigned from the data variance. c c current program limits: c maximal number of points: 1600000 c max e-w prediction grid dimension: 22000 c max selected pr quadrant: 100 c c programmer: rene forsberg, danish geodetic institute, nov 85 c latest updated: oct 29, 1991, rf/se c modified for vax, rf unsw, dec 88 c inclusion of individual variances and detrending, rf jan 1990 c grid fill-in included aug 1990, rf c negative modes dec 16, 1991, rf c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c dimension dl(36), sa(22) dimension pred(22000), sdev(22000), isel(1600000), row(22000) dimension c(5150), cp(100), ov(11), tcoef(11) real*4 z,zsig2 common /dat/ x(1600000),y(1600000),z(1600000),zsig2(1600000) common /dsort/ ij(1600000),ijn(1600000),ifc(9000),ih(9000) common /spar/ xx,yy,nqmax,nyy,nxx,dyy,dxx,yy1,xx1 common /tpar/ cosfi,radeg,xx0,yy0 logical lutm, lcont, lsig, lfaba, lsel, lrst, ligrid, lneg character*60 ifile, ofile, efile c c constants c npmax = 1600000 namax = 9000 irwdim = 22000 radeg = 180.0/3.14159265 degkm = 1.852*60 rdat = 3.0 eps = (0.001/degkm)**2 c write(*,1) 1 format(/, .' *********************************************************', .'************'/ .' * GEOGRID - GRAVSOFT data gridding - vers. SEP 92 - (c', .') RF/KMS *'/ .' *********************************************************', .'************') read(*,2) ifile read(*,2) ofile read(*,2) efile 2 format(a60) c open(10,file=ifile,status='old') open(20,file=ofile,status='unknown') open(21,file=efile,status='unknown') c c input remaining control data c ---------------------------- c read(*,*) nd,idno,nqmax,itrend,ipred c lrst = ( itrend = abs(itrend) lsig = ( if (idno.eq.-99) idno = 0 if (lsig) idno = abs(idno) lfaba = (idno.eq.99) if (lfaba) idno = 1 c if (ipred.eq.1) read(*,*) xhalf,rmsn if (ipred.eq.2) read(*,*) ipwr read(*,*) mode,rkm lneg = ( if (lneg) mode = iabs(mode) if ( goto 10 write(*, 11) 11 format(' *** mode parameter undefined ') stop if ( stop 'itrend parameter too big' if (itrend.eq.5.and.(mode.eq.2.or.mode.eq.3.or.mode.eq.7)) .stop 'itrend=3 only allowed for usual geographic grid' 10 lutm = .false. if ( lutm = .true. ligrid = (mode.eq.7) goto (12,12,13,14,15,15,18),mode c c grid limits. udeg converts to internal program unit: degree c mode 1 and 2: grid limit specs c 12 udeg = 1.0 read(*,*) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla if (lutm) read(*,*) iell,izone if (lutm) udeg = 1.0/(degkm*1000) rfi1 = rfi1*udeg rfi2 = rfi2*udeg dfi = dfi*udeg rla1 = rla1*udeg rla2 = rla2*udeg dla = dla*udeg nn = (rfi2-rfi1)/dfi+1.499999 ne = (rla2-rla1)/dla+1.499999 if (lutm) call utmcon(iell, izone, sa) goto 20 c c mode 3: utm grid spec by sw corner lat/lon c 13 udeg = 1.0/(degkm*1000) read(*,*) rfi,rla,dfi,dla,nn,ne read(*,*) iell,izone rfi = rfi/radeg rla = rla/radeg dfi = dfi*udeg dla = dla*udeg call utmcon(iell, izone, sa) call utg(rfi, rla, rn, re, sa, .false., .true.) rfi1 = rn*udeg rla1 = re*udeg rfi2 = rfi1 + (nn-1)*dfi rla2 = rla1 + (ne-1)*dla goto 20 c c mode 4: profile interpolation c 14 read(*,*) rfi1,rla1,rfi2,rla2,nn dfi = .00001 dla = .00001 if ( dfi = (rfi2-rfi1)/(nn-1) if ( dla = (rla2-rla1)/(nn-1) goto 20 c c mode 5 or 6: point data. find min and max lat and lon. c 15 rfi1 = 999999.9 rla1 = 999999.9 rfi2 = -999999.9 rla2 = -999999.9 nn = 0 16 if (mode.eq.5) read(21,*,end=17) id,rlat,rlon,rh if (mode.eq.6) read(21,*,end=17) id,rlat,rlon,rh,rba nn = nn + 1 if ( rfi1 = rlat if ( rfi2 = rlat if ( rla1 = rlon if ( rla2 = rlon goto 16 17 rewind(21) goto 20 c c mode 7: grid input c 18 read(10,*) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla udeg = 1.0 lutm = (abs(rfi1).gt.100.or.abs(rfi2).gt.100) if (lutm) then read(10,*) iell,izone call utmcon(iell, izone, sa) udeg = 1.0/(degkm*1000) endif if (.not.lutm) write(*,1801) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla if (lutm) then write(*,1802) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla,iell,izone rfi1 = rfi1*udeg rfi2 = rfi2*udeg rla1 = rla1*udeg rla2 = rla2*udeg dfi = dfi*udeg dla = dla*udeg endif 1801 format(/' input grid: ',6f9.4) 1802 format(/' input grid: ',6f9.0,2i4) nn = (rfi2-rfi1)/dfi + 1.5 ne = (rla2-rla1)/dla + 1.5 if ( stop 'too long rows in grid' c c parameter checks c 20 if (lutm) then if ( . . stop 'utm grid label not ok' endif lsel = .true. if (nqmax.le.0) lsel = .false. if ( nqmax = 100 if ( goto 22 if ( goto 22 write(*, 21) 21 format(' *** grid specification illegal') stop 22 cosfi = 1.0 if (.not.lutm) cosfi = cos((rfi1+rfi2)/2/radeg) racos = radeg*cosfi rdeg = rkm/degkm if (rdeg.le.0) rdeg = 0.0001 if (mode.eq.4) dpr = sqrt(dfi**2+(dla*cosfi)**2)*degkm c c input list of data from ifile c ----------------------------- c ndp = 0 np = 0 nneg = 0 y1 = min(rfi1,rfi2) - rdeg y2 = max(rfi1,rfi2) + rdeg x1 = min(rla1,rla2)*cosfi - rdeg x2 = max(rla1,rla2)*cosfi + rdeg zmin = 9999999.9 zmax = -9999999.9 zsmin = zmin zsmax = zmax zsum = 0 zsum2 = 0 xx1 = 9999999.9 xx2 = -9999999.9 yy1 = 9999999.9 yy2 = -9999999.9 ii = nn+1 jj = ne+1 c c loop entry point for data input c ------------------------------- c 25 if (ligrid) then 24 if ( then if (ii.eq.1) goto 30 read(10,*) (row(kk),kk=1,ne) jj = 1 ii = ii-1 endif yy = rfi1 + (ii-1)*dfi xx = (rla1 + (jj-1)*dla)*cosfi zz = row(jj) jj = jj+1 ndp = ndp + 1 if ( goto 24 else ndd = nd if (lsig) ndd = nd+1 read(10,*,end=30) id,rlat,rlon,rh,(dl(kk+5),kk=1,ndd) ndp = ndp + 1 if (.not.lutm) then yy = rlat xx = rlon*cosfi else call utg(rlat/radeg,rlon/radeg,rn,re,sa,.false.,.true.) yy = rn*udeg xx = re*udeg endif zz = dl(5+idno) if ( zz = dl(5+idno+1) if (idno.eq.0) zz = rh zzsig = dl(5+idno+1) c if ( goto 25 if ( goto 25 endif c np = np+1 if ( xx1 = xx if ( xx2 = xx if ( yy1 = yy if ( yy2 = yy if (np.le.npmax) goto 29 write(*, 28) npmax 28 format(' *** too many data points - max: ',i7) stop 29 x(np) = xx y(np) = yy z(np) = zz if (lsig) zsig2(np) = zzsig**2 if ( zmin = zz if ( zmax = zz if ( zsmin = zzsig if ( zsmax = zzsig zsum = zz+zsum zsum2 = zz**2 +zsum2 c write(*,*) ' test np = ',np,id goto 25 c c detrend data if required c ------------------------ c 30 if (itrend.eq.0) goto 309 xx0 = xx1 yy0 = yy1 do 301 i = 1, 66 301 c(i) = 0.0 do 302 k = 1, np zz = z(k) call setov(x(k),y(k),zz,itrend,nt,ov) ii = 0 do 302 i = 1, nt+1 do 302 j = 1, i ii = ii+1 c(ii) = c(ii) + ov(i)*ov(j) 302 continue call chol(c,nt,nsing) if ( write(*,303) nsing 303 format(' *** warning: detrending ',i2,' singularities') k = nt*(nt+1)/2 do 304 i = 1, nt 304 tcoef(i) = c(k+i) c tsum = 0 tsum2 = 0 tmin = 999999.9 tmax = -tmin do 305 k = 1, np rr = z(k) - trend(x(k),y(k),itrend,tcoef) tsum = rr + tsum tsum2 = rr**2 + tsum2 if ( tmin = rr if ( tmax = rr z(k) = rr 305 continue c c output info on input, data and selected internal grid c ----------------------------------------------------- c 309 if ( goto 31 write(*, 32) 32 format(' *** too few points in selection area') write(*,'(4f12.4)') y1,y2,x1/cosfi,x2/cosfi stop 31 rs = sqrt((zsum2 - zsum**2/np)/(np-1)) rm = zsum/np if ( then ts = sqrt((tsum2 - tsum**2/np)/(np-1)) tm = tsum/np endif c c covariance parameters - second order markov model c if ( goto 79 sqrc0 = rs if ( sqrc0 = ts c0 = sqrc0**2 cnn = rmsn**2 alfa = 0.595*xhalf/degkm c 79 continue c if (.not.lutm) write(*,85) rkm,y1,y2,x1/cosfi,x2/cosfi 85 format(' rkm = ',f6.1,', data selection area: ',4f9.4) if (lutm) write(*,86) rkm,y1/udeg,y2/udeg,x1/udeg,x2/udeg 86 format(' rkm = ',f6.1,', data selection area: ',4f10.0) if (.not.lutm) goto 89 call utg(rfi2/udeg,rla1/udeg,yy,xx,sa,.true.,.true.) call utg(rfi2/udeg,rla2/udeg,yi,xi,sa,.true.,.true.) call utg(rfi1/udeg,rla1/udeg,yj,xj,sa,.true.,.true.) call utg(rfi1/udeg,rla2/udeg,yk,xk,sa,.true.,.true.) write(*,88) yy*radeg,xx*radeg,yi*radeg,xi*radeg, *yj*radeg,xj*radeg,yk*radeg,xk*radeg 88 format(' geographical coordinates of grid corners:', .2(/,' ',2f9.3,' ',2f9.3)) 89 continue c if (ligrid) then ndp = nn*ne nd = 1 idno = 1 endif write(*,87) nd,idno,ndp,np,zmin,zmax,rm,rs 87 format(/' data values per point: ',i2,', used no.: ',i2,/, *' total points in file:',i7,', selected:',i7,/, *' min max mean stddev: ',4f10.3) if (lsig) write(*,871) zsmin, zsmax 871 format(' minimal and maximal standard dev of data: ',2f11.3) c if ( write(*,801) itrend,nt,(tcoef(j),j=1,nt) if ( write(*,802) tmin,tmax,tm,ts 801 format(/' detrending done on data, itrend = ',i1,/ .' no of trend parameters estimated: ',i2,/ .' solution: ',5e12.4,/,' ',5e12.4) 802 format(' detrended data (min,max,mean,stddev): ',4f9.3) c if (ipred.eq.1) write(*,81) sqrc0, xhalf, rmsn 81 format(/' collocation prediction - sqrc0,xhalf(km),rmsn = ',3f7.2) if (ipred.eq.2) write(*,82) ipwr 82 format(/' weighted means prediction, ipwr =',i2) if (.not.lsel) write(*,83) 83 format(' all points used in each prediction') if (lsel) write(*,84) nqmax 84 format(' selection:',i3,' closest points per quadrant') c c skip data organization if all points used c if (.not.lsel) goto 100 c 33 r = sqrt((yy2-yy1)*(xx2-xx1)/np*rdat) if (r.eq.0) r = 1.0 nyy = (yy2-yy1)/r+.4999 nxx = (xx2-xx1)/r+.4999 if ( nyy = 1 if ( nxx = 1 if (nxx*nyy.le.namax) goto 35 write(*, 34) 34 format(' - large organization, rdat increased -') rdat = 2.0*rdat goto 33 35 continue dyy = (yy2-yy1)/nyy dxx = (xx2-xx1)/nxx if (dyy.eq.0) dyy = .00001 if (dxx.eq.0) dxx = .00001 nyy1 = nyy+1 nxx1 = nxx1+1 n = nxx*nyy c if (.not.lutm) write(*,37) yy1,yy2,xx1/cosfi,xx2/cosfi 37 format(/' data organization limits: ',4f9.4) if (lutm) write(*,38) yy1/udeg,yy2/udeg,xx1/udeg,xx2/udeg 38 format(/' data organization limits: ',4f10.0) write(*,39) nyy,nxx,n,dyy*degkm,dxx*degkm,np*1.0/n 39 format(' subrectangles (n,e,total): ',3i5, */' size (km): ',2f9.1,', average pts per rect (rdat):',f9.3) c c organization of irregular data c ------------------------------ c c the following piece of code corresponds closely to subroutine c 'oaf' of 'gspp' by hans sunkel, see osu internal report: gspp c manual, ohio state university, 1980 c c ij( stores element index c ijn( stores data index in increasing sort element order c ifc(1...n1) stores number of data per sort element c ih(1...n1) pointer vector, data in sort elem k has index ijn(ih(k)) c do 41 i = 1,n 41 ifc(i) = 0 do 45 i = 1,np iy = (y(i)-yy1)/dyy ix = (x(i)-xx1)/dxx if ( iy = nyy-1 if ( ix = nxx-1 ixy = iy*nxx + ix+1 ij(i) = ixy ifc(ixy) = ifc(ixy) + 1 45 continue c ih(1) = 1 do 46 i = 2,n i1 = i-1 ih(i) = ifc(i1)+ih(i1) 46 continue c do 47 i = 1,np k = ij(i) kk = ih(k) ijn(kk) = i ih(k) = ih(k) + 1 47 continue c j = 0 jj = 0 do 48 i = 1,n k = ifc(i) ih(i) = ih(i)-k if (k.eq.0) j=j+1 if ( jj=k 48 continue c write(*, 49) jj, 100.0*j/n 49 format(' max points in subrects:',i5, *', percentage with no points: ',f5.1) c c prediction loop c --------------- c c the point numbers to be used in prediction is stored in c array 'isel', selected by subroutine 'select'. c 100 zmin = 9999999.9 zmax = -9999999.9 zsum = 0 zsum2 = 0 if ( ne = 1 if (lsel) goto 102 nsel = np do 101 i = 1, nsel 101 isel(i) = i c 102 if (ligrid) then rewind(10) read(10,*) r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 if (lutm) read(10,*) iell,izone endif c do 240 ii = nn, 1, -1 if (ligrid) read(10,*) (row(kk),kk=1,ne) do 200 jj = 1, ne goto (105,105,105,106,107,107,105),mode c c grid points c 105 xx = ((jj-1)*dla+rla1)*cosfi yy = (ii-1)*dfi+rfi1 if (ligrid) then if (row(jj).lt.9999) then zpred = row(jj) zstd = 0 goto 190 endif endif goto 108 c c profile points c 106 xx = ((nn-ii)*dla+rla1)*cosfi yy = (nn-ii)*dfi+rfi1 goto 108 c c individual points c 107 if (mode.eq.5) read(21,*) id,rlat,rlon,rh if (mode.eq.6) read(21,*) id,rlat,rlon,rh,rba yy = rlat xx = rlon*cosfi c c skip predictions for ipred = 0, otherwise select closest data c 108 if (ipred.eq.0) then zpred = 0.0 zstd = 0.0 goto 190 endif if (lsel) call select(isel,nsel) c if (ipred.eq.1) goto 150 c c prediction by weighted means c ---------------------------- c wsum = 0 wfsum = 0 r2min = 9999999.9 do 120 i = 1, nsel k = isel(i) dx = x(k)-xx dy = y(k)-yy r2 = dx**2 + dy**2 if ( r2min = r2 if ( goto 110 zpred = z(k) zstd = 0.0 goto 190 c c distance weights c 110 if ( goto 112 w = 1/r2 goto 115 112 w = 1/sqrt(r2)**ipwr 115 wsum = w + wsum wfsum = w*z(k) + wfsum 120 continue zpred = wfsum/wsum zstd = sqrt(r2min)*degkm goto 190 c c collocation prediction c ---------------------- c 150 k = 1 do 156 i = 1,nsel+1 if (i.le.nsel) goto 153 xi = xx yi = yy i1 = i-1 goto 154 153 xi = x(isel(i)) yi = y(isel(i)) i1 = i 154 do 155 j = 1,i1 kk = isel(j) r = sqrt((x(kk)-xi)**2 + (y(kk)-yi)**2) c c second order markov covariance function c cov = c0*(1 + r/alfa)*exp(-r/alfa) if (i.eq.j) cov = cov + max(cnn,dble(zsig2(kk))) c c(k) = cov k = k+1 if ( cp(j) = cov 155 continue 156 continue c call chol(c,nsel,nsing) if ( write(*,157) ii,jj,nsing 157 format(' *** cholesky: ',i3,' singularities point: ',2i5) c zpred = 0 zstd = 0 i1 = nsel*(nsel+1)/2 do 158 i = 1,nsel r = c(i+i1) zpred = zpred + r*z(isel(i)) zstd = zstd + r*cp(i) 158 continue r = c0 - zstd if ( zstd = -sqrt(-r) if ( zstd = sqrt(r) c c statistics for prediction c ------------------------- c 190 if (lrst) zpred = zpred + trend(xx,yy,itrend,tcoef) if (lneg) then if ( zpred = 0 nneg = nneg+1 endif if ( zmin = zpred if ( zmax = zpred zsum = zsum + zpred zsum2 = zsum2 + zpred**2 pred(jj) = zpred sdev(jj) = zstd 200 continue c c output result and possible heading c ---------------------------------- c mode8 = mode if (mode.eq.7.and.lutm) mode8 = 8 goto (201,211,211,221,231,231,201,211),mode8 c c output of geographical grid data c 201 if (ii.eq.nn) write(20,204) rfi1,rfi1+(nn-1)*dfi, *rla1,rla1+(ne-1)*dla,dfi,dla write(20,205) (pred(jj),jj=1,ne) 204 format(' ',6f16.10) 205 format(/,50(' ',7f11.4,/)) c if (ii.eq.nn.and.ipred.eq.1) write(21,207) *rfi1,rfi1+(nn-1)*dfi,rla1,rla1+(ne-1)*dla,dfi,dla if (ii.eq.nn.and.ipred.eq.2) write(21,208) *rfi1,rfi1+(nn-1)*dfi,rla1,rla1+(ne-1)*dla,dfi,dla 207 format(' ',4f12.6,2f12.7) 208 format(' ',4f12.6,2f12.7) if (ipred.eq.1) write(21,205) (sdev(jj),jj=1,ne) if (ipred.eq.2) write(21,206) (sdev(jj),jj=1,ne) 206 format(/,40(' ',8f9.1,/)) goto 240 c c utm grid data c 211 yi = rfi1/udeg yj = (rfi1+(nn-1)*dfi)/udeg xi = rla1/udeg xj = (rla1+(ne-1)*dla)/udeg yy = dfi/udeg xx = dla/udeg if ( goto 217 write(20,212) yi,yj,xi,xj,yy,xx,iell,izone 212 format(' ',6f11.0,/,' ',2i4) 217 write(20,205) (pred(jj),jj=1,ne) c if ( goto 220 write(21,212) yi,yj,xi,xj,yy,xx,iell,izone 220 if (ipred.eq.1) write(21,205) (sdev(jj),jj=1,ne) if (ipred.eq.2) write(21,206) (sdev(jj),jj=1,ne) goto 240 c c profile data c 221 if (ii.eq.nn) write(*,224) rfi1,rla1,rfi2,rla2,dpr 224 format(/' profile ',2f8.3,' to ',2f8.3,', spacing ',f9.2, *' km') write(20,223) (nn-ii)*dpr, zpred, zstd 223 format(' ', f9.2,2f12.3) goto 240 c c point data c 231 dl(6) = zpred dl(7) = zstd if ( goto 232 c c conversion grs67 bouguer anomaly to gravity value c r = sin(rlat/radeg)**2 gamma67 = 978031.85 * (1 + .005278895*r + * .000023462*r**2) if ( hfakt = 0.1967 if ( hfakt = -0.0687 dl(6) = zpred + gamma67 - hfakt*rh c 232 write(20,233) id,rlat,rlon,rh,dl(6),dl(7) 233 format(' ',i9,2f12.5,f9.2,2f9.2) c 240 continue n = nn*ne if (n.eq.1) rs = 0.0 if ( rs = sqrt((zsum2 - zsum**2/n)/(n-1)) rm = 0 if ( rm = zsum/n write(*,250) n,zmin,zmax,rm,rs 250 format(' '/' predicted: ',i7,' points'/ *' prediction min max mean ',4f9.3/) if ( write(*, 251) 251 format(' - trend in data not restored in output -'/) if (lneg) write(*,252) nneg 252 format(' - number of negative predictions set to zero:',i7) c end c subroutine select(isel,nsel) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c s e l e c t c c subroutine for selection of 'nqmax' points in each quadrant c c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc dimension isel(1600000) real*4 z,zsig2 common /dat/ x(1600000),y(1600000),z(1600000),zsig2(1600000) common /dsort/ ij(1600000),ijn(1600000),ifc(9000),ih(9000) common /spar/ xx,yy,nqmax,nyy,nxx,dyy,dxx,yy1,xx1 common /qpar/ rq2(4,100),iq(4,100),ns(4),r2max(4),iimax(4) logical lq1,lq2,lq3,lq4 c c initialization of parameters for rect elem sort c lq1 = .false. lq2 = .false. lq3 = .false. lq4 = .false. do 11 j = 1,4 r2max(j) = 0.0 ns(j) = 0 11 continue c i0 = (yy-yy1)/dyy+1 j0 = (xx-xx1)/dxx+1 c c smallest scan area is 3 x 3 c i1 = i0-1 i2 = i0+1 j1 = j0-1 j2 = j0+1 if ( i1=1 if ( i2=nyy if ( j1=1 if ( j2=nxx do 8 i = i1,i2 do 8 j = j1,j2 8 call rsort(i,j) c c check section c check quadrants one by one and scan c 10 if (ns(1).ge.nqmax) lq1 = .true. if (ns(2).ge.nqmax) lq2 = .true. if (ns(3).ge.nqmax) lq3 = .true. if (ns(4).ge.nqmax) lq4 = .true. i1 = i1-1 i2 = i2+1 j1 = j1-1 j2 = j2+1 if ( lq1 = .true. if ( lq2 = .true. if ( lq3 = .true. if ( lq4 = .true. c if (lq1.and.lq2.and.lq3.and.lq4) goto 90 c c scan edges c if (.not.(lq1.and.lq2)) call rsort(i2,j0) if (.not.(lq2.and.lq4)) call rsort(i0,j2) if (.not.(lq3.and.lq4)) call rsort(i1,j0) if (.not.(lq1.and.lq3)) call rsort(i0,j1) if (lq1) goto 30 do 25 i = i0+1,i2 25 call rsort(i,j1) do 26 j = j1+1,j0-1 26 call rsort(i2,j) 30 if (lq2) goto 40 do 35 i = i0+1,i2 35 call rsort(i,j2) do 36 j = j0+1,j2-1 36 call rsort(i2,j) 40 if (lq3) goto 50 do 45 i = i1,i0-1 45 call rsort(i,j1) do 46 j = j1+1,j0-1 46 call rsort(i1,j) 50 if (lq4) goto 60 do 55 i = i1,i0-1 55 call rsort(i,j2) do 56 j = j0+1,j2-1 56 call rsort(i1,j) c 60 goto 10 c 90 nsel = 0 k = 0 do 91 i = 1,4 k = ns(i) do 92 j = 1,k 92 isel(j+nsel) = iq(i,j) nsel = nsel + k 91 continue return end c subroutine rsort(i,j) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c r s o r t c c subroutine sorts 'nqmax' closest points within each quadrant c in a subrectangle c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*4 z,zsig2 common /dat/ x(1600000),y(1600000),z(1600000),zsig2(1600000) common /dsort/ ij(1600000),ijn(1600000),ifc(9000),ih(9000) common /spar/ xx,yy,nqmax,nyy,nxx,dyy,dxx,yy1,xx1 common /qpar/ rq2(4,100),iq(4,100),ns(4),r2max(4),iimax(4) c if ( return if ( return c ixy = (i-1)*nxx+j k = ifc(ixy) if (k.eq.0) return c k1 = ih(ixy) k2 = k1+k-1 do 50 k = k1,k2 kk = ijn(k) dx = x(kk)-xx dy = y(kk)-yy if ( goto 15 iiq = 1 if ( iiq = 2 goto 20 15 iiq = 3 if ( iiq = 4 20 r2 = dx**2+dy**2 c c add point if not enough in quadrant c ii = ns(iiq)+1 if ( goto 30 ns(iiq) = ii iq(iiq,ii) = kk rq2(iiq,ii) = r2 if ( goto 50 r2max(iiq) = r2 iimax(iiq) = ii goto 50 c c check if point is among the closest points c 30 if ( goto 50 ii = iimax(iiq) iq(iiq,ii) = kk rq2(iiq,ii) = r2 do 31 jj = 1,nqmax rr = rq2(iiq,jj) if (rr.le.r2) goto 31 r2 = rr iimax(iiq) = jj 31 continue r2max(iiq) = r2 c 50 continue end c subroutine setov(xx,yy,obs,itrend,nt,ov) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c s e t o t v c c sets observation equation coefficients for detrending c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc dimension ov(11) common /tpar/ cosfi,radeg,xx0,yy0 if (itrend.eq.5) goto 50 c c just mean value or polynomials c dx = xx-xx0 dy = yy-yy0 nt = 1 ov(1) = 1.0 if (itrend.eq.1) goto 90 nt = 3 ov(2) = dx ov(3) = dy if (itrend.eq.2) goto 90 nt = 6 ov(4) = dx**2 ov(5) = dy**2 ov(6) = dx*dy if (itrend.eq.3) goto 90 nt = 10 ov(7) = dx**3 ov(8) = dy**3 ov(9) = dx**2*dy ov(10) = dx*dy**2 goto 90 c c 4-parameter transformation corresponding to 7-par spatial transformation c 50 nt = 4 rfi = yy/radeg rla = xx/cosfi/radeg cosf = cos(rfi) ov(1) = cosf*cos(rla) ov(2) = cosf*sin(rla) ov(3) = sin(rfi) ov(4) = 1.0 c 90 ov(nt+1) = obs return end c function trend(xx,yy,itrend,tsol) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c t r e n d c c finds value of trend function for given point c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc dimension tsol(11),ov(11) rr = 0.0 call setov(xx,yy,rr,itrend,nt,ov) do 10 i = 1, nt 10 rr = rr + ov(i)*tsol(i) trend = rr return end c subroutine chol(c,n,nsing) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c h o l c c subroutine solves positive definite symmetric linear equations c using cholesky decomposition. coefficients stored columnwise c in c, followed by righthand side. n is number of unknowns. c solution is returned as last column in c. c 'nsing' is number of singularities. it should be zero for a c succesful solution. c c rf, nov 85 c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc dimension c(5150) nsing = 0 c do 50 nr = 1,n+1 i=nr*(nr-1)/2 ir=i do 40 nc = 1,nr if ( goto 50 sum=0 ic=nc*(nc-1)/2 i=i+1 nc1=nc-1 do 30 np = 1,nc1 30 sum = sum - c(ir+np)*c(ic+np) ci = c(i)+sum if ( goto 31 cc = c(ic+nc) if (cc.eq.0) then write(*,*) '*** Cholesky reduction zero-division' cc = 1.0e9 endif c(i) = ci/cc goto 40 31 if ( goto 40 if ( goto 32 nsing = nsing+1 c(i) = 1.0e9 goto 40 32 c(i) = sqrt(ci) 40 continue 50 continue c c back substitution c do 80 nc = n,1,-1 ir=i ic=nc*(nc+1)/2 cc = c(ic) if (cc.eq.0) then write(*,*) '*** Cholesky subsitution zero-division' cc = 1.0e9 endif c(i) = c(i)/cc do 70 np = nc-1,1,-1 ir=ir-1 ic=ic-1 c(ir) = c(ir) - c(i)*c(ic) 70 continue i = i-1 80 continue return end c subroutine utmcon(isys, izone, sa) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension sa(22) c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c u t m c o n c c the procedure produces the constants needed in the transfor- c mations between transversal mercator and geographical coordina- c tes and the tolerances needed for the check of the transfor- c mations. the transformation constants are generated from a c reg_label defining a transversal mercator system. the formulae c are taken from k\nig und weise : mathematische grundlagen der c h\heren geod sph. geo (real) c sa(8) - sa(11) = const for sph. geo -> ell. geo (real), c sa(12) - sa(15) = const for sph. n, e -> ell. n, e (real), c sa(16) - sa(19) = const for ell. n, e -> sph. n, e (real), c sa(20) = toler. for utm input, 5 mm. c sa(21) = toler. for geo input, do. c sa(22) = not used in fortran version, which operates c with n e g a t i v e northings s of equator. c the user may change sa(20) - sa(21) for special checks. c c prog: knud poder, danish geodetic institute, 7 nov 1977, c updated 18 sep 1983; c rc fortran version alp/rf oct 86 c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c double precision n,m radeg = 180/3.1415926536 c c set ellipsoid parameters c goto (10,20,30),isys c c wgs84 ellipsoid c 10 a = 6378137.0 f = 1/298.2572236 goto 40 c c hayford ed 50 ellipsoid c 20 a = 6378388.0 f = 1/297.0 goto 40 c c clarke nad 27 ellipsoid c 30 a = 6378206.4 f = 1/294.9786982 c 40 eastpr = 500000.0 dm = 4.0e-4 c c normalized meridian quadrant c see k\nig und weise p.50 (96), p.19 (38b), p.5 (2) c n=f/(2.0-f) m=n**2*(1.0/4.0+n**2/64.0) w= a*(-n - dm+m*(1.0-dm))/(1.0+n) sa(1)=a + w c c central easting and longitude c sa(2)=eastpr sa(3)=((izone - 30)*6 - 3)/radeg c c check-tol for transformation c 5.0 mm on earth c sa(20) = 0.0050 sa(21) = sa(20)/a c c coef of trig series c c ell. geo -> sph. geo., kw p186 - 187 (51) - (52) c sa(4) = n*(-2 + n*(2.0/3.0 + n*(4.0/3.0 + n*(-82.0/45.0)))) sa(5) = n**2*(5.0/3.0 + n*(-16.0/15.0 + n*(-13.0/9.0))) sa(6) = n**3*(-26.0/15.0 + n*34.0/21.0) sa(7) = n**4*1237.0/630.0 c c sph. geo - ell. geo., kw p190 - 191 (61) - (62) c sa(8)=n*(2.0+n*(-2.0/3.0 +n*(-2.0+n*116.0/45.0))) sa(9)=n**2*(7.0/3.0+n*(-8.0/5.0+n*(-227.0/45.0))) sa(10)=n**3*(56.0/15.0+n*(-136.0)/35.0) sa(11)=n**4* (4279.0/630.0) c c sph. n, e -> ell. n, e, kw p196 (69) c sa(12)=n*(1.0/2.0+n*(-2.0/3.0+ . n*(5.0/16.0+n*41.0/180.0))) sa(13)=n**2*(13.0/48.0+ . n*(-3.0/5.0+n*557.0/1440.0)) sa(14)=n**3*(61.0/240.0+n*(-103.0/140.0)) sa(15)=n**4*(49561.0/161280.0) c c ell. n, e -> sph. n, e, kw p194 (65) c sa(16)=n*(-1.0/2.0+n*(2.0/3.0+ . n*(-37.0/96.0+n*1.0/360.0))) sa(17)=n**2*(-1.0/48.0+ . n*(-1.0/15.0+n*437.0/1440.0)) sa(18)=n**3* (-17.0/480.0+n*37.0/840.0) sa(19)=n**4*(-4397.0/161280.0) c return end c subroutine utg(rn, re, b, l, sa, direct, tcheck) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) double precision b, l, sa(22) logical direct, tcheck c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c u t g c c dual autochecking transformation procedure for transformation c between geographical coordinates and transversal mercator co- c ordinates. the procedure transforms utm->geo when direct is c true and the reverse when direct is false. c an alarm is produced when the check by the inverse transforma- c tion exceeds the tolerance of 5.0 mm or an other value set by c the user in sa(19) for utm->geo or sa(20) for geo->utm. c c n, e (call) real c the utm- or geographical coordinates input for trans- c formation in meters or radians. c c b, l (return) real c the geographical or utm-coordinates output from the procedure c as transformed and checked coordinates in radians or meters c c sa (call) array c transformation constants for direct and inverse transf. c see fields in sa or set_utm_const for a description c c direct (call) logical c direct = true => transformation utm -> geogr. c direct = false => transformation geogr -> utm c c tcheck (call) logical c tcheck = true => check by back transformation c tcheck = false => no check. this possibility doubles the c speed of the subroutine, with the risk of c obtaining bad results at large (> 60 deg) c distances from the central meridian. c c programmer: knud poder, dgi, nov 1977 c rcfortran alp/rf oct 86 c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc double precision np, lg, l0, ndif, ncheck integer h, s double precision n, e c n = rn e = re qn = sa(1) e0 = sa(2) l0 = sa(3) c c transformation sequence c if (direct) i=1 if ( i=3 h = 4-i s = 2-i c c check-values c ncheck=n echeck=e c c transformation cases c do 100 i=i,h,s goto (10,20,30),i c c case 1, utm -> geo c ------------------ c 10 np = n/qn ep = (e - e0)/qn c c ellip. n, e -> sph. n, e c np = np + clcsin(sa, 15, 4, 2.0*np, 2.0*ep, dn, de) ep = ep + de c c sph. n, e = compl. sph. lat -> sph lat, lng c cosbn = cos(np) if (cosbn.eq.0) cosbn = 1.0d-33 snh = (exp(ep) - exp(-ep))/2 lg = atan(snh/cosbn) bbg = atan(sin(np)*cos(lg)/cosbn) c c sph. lat, lng -> ell. lat, lng c bbg = bbg + clsin(sa, 7, 4, 2.0*bbg) lg = lg + l0 goto 100 c c case 2, transf results c ---------------------- c 20 b = bbg n = bbg l = lg e = lg if (tcheck) goto 100 return c c case 3, geo -> utm c ------------------ c 30 bbg = n + clsin(sa, 3, 4, 2.0*n) lg = e - l0 c c sph. lat, lng -> compl. sph. lat = sph n, e c cosbn = cos(bbg) if (cosbn.eq.0) cosbn = 1.0d-33 np = atan(sin(bbg)/(cos(lg)*cosbn)) rr = sin(lg)*cosbn if (abs(rr).ge.0.95) goto 40 ep = log((1+rr)/(1-rr))/2 goto 41 40 ep = 1.0e38 41 continue c c sph. normalized n, e -> ell. n, e c np = np + clcsin(sa, 11, 4, 2.0*np, 2.0*ep, dn, de) ep = ep + de bbg = qn*np lg = qn*ep + e0 c 100 continue c c in/rev-dif for check c ndif = bbg - ncheck edif = lg - echeck edcos = edif if( edcos = edcos*cos(ncheck) c c error actions c if (direct) tol = sa(20) if ( tol = sa(21) if (abs(ndif).lt.tol.and.abs(edcos).lt.tol) return c n = rn e = re if (direct) n = b if (direct) e = l ep = 6371000.0 if (direct) ep = 1.0 write(*, 90) n*57.29578, e*57.29578, ndif*ep, edcos*ep 90 format(' *** utg coor ',2f7.1,' checkdiff too large: ', .2f8.3, ' m') return end c double precision function clsin(a, i0, g, arg) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension a(22) integer g c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c l s i n c c computes the sum of a series of a(i+i0)*sin(i*arg) by clenshaw c summation from g down to 1. c the sum is the value of the function. c c prog.: knud poder 1978 c c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c cosarg = 2*cos(arg) c hr1 = 0.0 hr = a(g+i0) c do 10 it = g - 1,1,-1 hr2 = hr1 hr1 = hr hr = -hr2 + cosarg*hr1 + a(it+i0) 10 continue c clsin = hr*sin(arg) c return end c double precision function clcsin(a, i0, g, argr, argi, r, i) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension a(22) double precision r, i integer g c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c l c s i n c c computes the sum of a series a(i+i0)*sin(i*arg_r + j*i*arg_i) c (where j is the imaginary unit) by clenshaw summation c from g down to 1. the coefficients are here real and c the argument of sin is complex. the real part of the c sum is the value of the function. c c prog.: knud poder 1978 c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc double precision ii c sinar = sin(argr) cosar = cos(argr) ex = exp(argi) emx = exp(-argi) sinhar = (ex - emx)/2 coshar = (ex + emx)/2 rr = 2*cosar*coshar ii = -2*sinar*sinhar c hr1 = 0.0 hi1 = 0.0 hi = 0.0 hr = a(g+i0) c do 10 it = g-1, 1, -1 hr2 = hr1 hr1 = hr hi2 = hi1 hi1 = hi hr = -hr2 + rr*hr1 - ii*hi1 + a(it+i0) hi = -hi2 + ii*hr1 + rr*hi1 10 continue c rr = sinar*coshar ii = cosar*sinhar c r = rr*hr - ii*hi clcsin = r i = rr*hi + ii*hr c return end