c TUNED FOR mean values for mssh c PRESENTLY for 344 repeats (8 years) c----------------------- r e a d t o p e x ------------------------- c Function c Sample program to read topex pathfinder data base and related c files. Shows how to read the main sea surface height residual c file and the auxiliary files. c c Before Running This Program you must do the following c 1) set the names of the files in routine topexinit c 2) see comments in topexinit to change the record lengths of c the files based on the number of repeat cycles c 3) dimension in this main program, issh and iflag by the number c of repeat cycles present in the data base - see README file c c programmers: Anita C. Brenner, Brian D. Beckley 7/31/96 c c modified: by Ole Andersen (process all tracks and c indices, comments) c------------------------------------------------------------------ program readtopex implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) logical*1 lbit16 logical llog INTEGER*2 ITRK,IDX,ISSH,iflag,mss,iundf2 integer*4 nreclephm,nreclmss,nreclsshfl,nrecltime,ncycles integer*4 numrevs,nrecldir,nperiod,nperiodp,ncyclesp,numrevsp integer*4 nrectrk,nflag,ndirp,ic(400) integer*4 ilat,ilon,nrec,i,index,icycle,mjd,nytrk integer*4 ntrack,in5,iout6,inephm,inssh,intime,inflag,inmss,indir real*8 amss,rssh,ssh,bat,acc character*80 errflag,ofile dimension lbit16(16) real*8 topi,latold logical first real*8 xlatmin,xlatmax,xlonmin,xlonmax,spacing double precision fday,xlat,xlon integer*4 iytr(500),iynb,iytr2(500) ! real*8 yssh(500),yssh2(500),yday2(500) ! real*8 yday(500),ss,ss2,sss,sss2 ! c topex specific parameters c ------------------------- parameter (nperiodp=6800) parameter (numrevsp=127) parameter (ndirp=6750) c the ncycles parameter need to be defined based on the number of c cycles in the version of the pathfinder data base you are reading c ----------------------------------------------------------------- parameter (ncyclesp=364) dimension ilat(nperiodp),ilon(nperiodp) dimension nrectrk(ndirp),mss(nperiodp) c following arrays must be dimensioned by the number of repeats in the c data base - this is a function of data base version c --------------------------------------------------- dimension issh(ncyclesp),iflag(ncyclesp) c following arrays must be dimensioned by the number of indices c in a reference rev - this is a function of mission c -------------------------------------------------- common/cflag/errflag(16) common/cmission/nreclephm,nreclmss,nreclsshfl,nrecltime, . nrecldir,ncycles,numrevs,nperiod common/constsi2/iundf2 common/cunits/in5,iout6,inephm,inssh,intime,inflag,inmss,indir c processing area c --------------- c SAVE call topexinit call openfiles write(*,*) 'Enter min and max latitude, min and max longitude' read(*,*) xlatmin,xlatmax,xlonmin,xlonmax write(*,*) 'Enter Spacing between observations(0.1-1 degree) ' read(*,*) spacing write(*,*) 'Enter output file name' read(*,'(A)') ofile c Currently we have available a directory that when given a track c and indice within the track, it gives you the record number c within the flag and ssh files at which to locate those values. c Directories will be developed in the near future that will allow c access by geographic location. open(90,file=ofile) latold = -200.0 topi = 3.1415926*2.0 c do ntrack = 111,111 do ntrack = 1,numrevsp write(iout6,'(A,i6)')'Now processing track number ',ntrack c load orbital ephemeris for this track, returns in common block crforb c --------------------------------------------------------------------- call rtloadtopex(ntrack,nperiod,ilat,ilon) c load the mean sea surface for this track c ---------------------------------------- read(inmss,rec=ntrack) mss c load directory for this track c ----------------------------- read(indir,rec=ntrack) nrectrk c find first defined index number, if there is no data for c index,i then nrectrk(i) is set to 0 c ----------------------------------- do 200 i=1,ndirp-1,1 if (nrectrk(i).eq.0) go to 200 index=i nrec=nrectrk(i) c load the residual sea surface heights c ------------------------------------- read(inssh,rec=nrec,err=1997)idx,itrk,issh c double check that idx = index and itrk is ntrack c ------------------------------------------------ if (itrk.ne.ntrack) go to 1998 if (idx.ne.index) go to 1999 c load the flag words c ------------------- read(inflag,rec=nrec,err=2997)idx,itrk,iflag c double check that idx = index and itrk is ntrack c ------------------------------------------------ if (itrk.ne.ntrack) go to 2998 if (idx.ne.index) go to 2999 c write out location specific quantities; mean sea surface, c latitude and longitude c ---------------------- xlat=dfloat(ilat(index))*1.d-6 xlon=dfloat(ilon(index))*1.d-6 amss=dfloat(mss(index))*1.d-2 c write(iout6,10000)ntrack,index if (abs(xlat-latold).lt.spacing) go to 200 latold = xlat if (xlonmin.lt.0.or.xlonmax.lt.0) then if (xlon.gt.180.0) xlon = xlon-360.0 end if if (xlat.lt.xlatmin.or.xlat.gt.xlatmax) go to 200 if (xlon.lt.xlonmin.or.xlon.gt.xlonmax) go to 200 ss2 = 0.0 ss = 0.0 c goto 200 c decompose flag word c ------------------- iynb = 0 !!! ss = 0.0 !!! ss2 = 0.0 !!! c do 100 icycle=1,ncycles do 98 icycle=10,343 c calculate time c -------------- call OBSTIME(mjd,fday,iCYCLE,ntrack,index,*80) if (issh(icycle).ne.iundf2) then if (abs(issh(icycle)).lt.0.1) goto 98 iynb = iynb + 1 yssh(iynb)=float(issh(icycle))*1.e-3 ss = ss + yssh(iynb) ss2 = ss2 + yssh(iynb)**2 iytr(iynb) = icycle yday(iynb) = (mjd-46066+fday) yday(iynb) = yday(iynb) - 2556-2557+365+365 endif go to 98 80 continue c write(iout6,10300)icycle 98 continue if (iynb.gt.0) ss=ss/iynb if (iynb.gt.1) ss2=sqrt((ss2/(iynb-1)-ss*ss)) if (iynb.eq.1) then sss = ss sss2 = ss2 iynb2 = 1 yssh2(1) = yssh(1) iytr2(1) = iytr(1) yday2(1) = yday(1) end if if (iynb.ge.2) then iynb2 = 0 sss = 0.0 sss2 = 0.0 ss3 = 3.0*ss2 do icycle = 1,iynb if (abs(yssh(icycle)-ss).lt.ss3) then iynb2 = iynb2 + 1 yssh2(iynb2)=yssh(icycle) sss = sss + yssh(icycle) sss2 = sss2 + yssh(icycle)**2 iytr2(iynb2) = iytr(icycle) yday2(iynb2) = yday(icycle) end if end do if (iynb2.gt.0) sss=sss/iynb2 if (iynb2.gt.1) sss2=sqrt((sss2/(iynb2-1)-sss*sss)) end if lim = 5 if (iynb2.gt.lim) then nytrk = 93000+ntrack*2 if (i.lt.1687) nytrk = nytrk-1 if (i.lt.5062) nytrk = nytrk+1 acc = 0.15 - 0.13*iynb2/290.0 if (acc.lt.0.02) acc = 0.02 write(90,9991) ntrack,xlat,xlon,amss,sss,acc 9991 format (i6,2f11.5,5f11.5) end if 9992 format (i8,f9.3,f12.1,2f9.3) 9993 format (i8,4f11.4,f12.6) 200 continue end do 300 stop 1997 write(iout6,12000)inssh,nrec,ntrack,index stop 16 1998 write(iout6,12100)itrk,ntrack stop 16 1999 write(iout6,12200)idx,index stop 16 2997 write(iout6,12300)inflag,nrec,ntrack,index stop 16 2998 write(iout6,12400)itrk,ntrack stop 16 2999 write(iout6,12500)idx,index stop 16 10000 format('Ocean Pathfinder Output for Track no.',i4,' at indice ', . i5) 10100 format(' latitude (deg N) = ',f8.3,' longitude (deg E) = ',f8.3/ . ' mean sea surface (m) = ',f8.2) 10200 format(' For cycle number ',i4,':' , . 'Mjd = ',i5,' Fday = ',f15.14/5x, . ' sea surface height relative to mean sea surface (m) = ',f8.3/ . 5x,' sea surface height relative to ellipsoid (m) = ',f8.3) 10210 format(' for cycle number ',i4,' the sea surface height is', . ' undefined') 10300 format(' no data available for cycle ',i4,' at this location') 10400 format(' following flags have been set for this sea surface height .:') 10500 format(a) 12000 format('EXECUION TERMINATING'/ . ' i/o error reading residual sea surface heights from', . ' unit;',i3/' trying to read record ',i10,' for track ',i4, . ' at indice ',i5) 12100 format('EXECUION TERMINATING'/ . ' track number on residual sea surface height file is ',i5 . /' this disagrees with the track number expected from the ', . 'directory file',i5/' check that both files are for the same ', . 'data base version') 12200 format('EXECUION TERMINATING'/ . ' indice number on residual sea surface height file is ',i5 . /' this disagrees with the indice number expected from the ', . 'directory file',i5/' check that both files are for the same ', . 'data base version') 12300 format('EXECUION TERMINATING'/ . ' i/o error reading flag word from', . ' unit;',i3/' trying to read record ',i10,' for track ',i4, . ' at indice ',i5) 12400 format('EXECUION TERMINATING'/ . ' track number on flag word file is ',i5 . /' this disagrees with the track number expected from the ', . 'directory file',i5/' check that both files are for the same ', . 'data base version') 12500 format('EXECUION TERMINATING'/ . ' indice number on flag word file is ',i5 . /' this disagrees with the indice number expected from the ', . 'directory file',i5/' check that both files are for the same ', . 'data base version') end