########################################################### ## PCN INDEX ############################################## ########################################################### ## index version endores by IAGA ########################## ########################################################### ########################################################### ## PRELIMINARY CHANGE LOG CHANGE LOG ###################### ########################################################### 02-03-2014:jrgm@space.dtu.dk Upload endorsed version PCN index for 1997 to 2009 onto ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/indices/pcn/ in IAGA format. 09-03-2014:jrgm@space.dtu.dk Upload endorsed version PCN index for 1997 to 2009 onto ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/indices/pcn/ in WDC format. 31-10-2016 anna@space.dtu.dk moved the endorsed PCN index in WDC format for 1997 to 2009 from ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/indices/pcn/ to ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/indices/pcn/PCN_definitive 12-10-2017 anna@space.dtu.dk We are currently investigating these files, please contact Rico Behlke: rico.behlke@space.dtu.dk or Anna Willer: anna@space.dtu.dk if you need these data. 23-05-2018 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk Definitive PCN index are available in ASCII and cdf format from 1975-2009 ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/indices/pcn/PCN_definitive/ 31-05-2018 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk Since May 25 2018, Definitive PCN index for 2010 - 2013 are available at ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/indices/pcn/PCN_definitive/ Quick-Look and Provisional PCN index can be downloaded from pcindex.org and isgi.unistra.fr. Definitive PCN are available at ISGI as well, and will be available at pcindex.org in the near future. 22-06-2018 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2014 June 22nd added Licence information in header June 1st 03-07-2019 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2016 and 2017 02-10-2020 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2018 and 2019 13-09-2021 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2020 12-12-2022 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2021 25-09-2023 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2022 30-08-2024 anna@space.dtu.dk & jnsnl@space.dtu.dk uploaded definitive PCN index for 2023